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Whats the definition of regulatory?

Whats the definition of regulatory?

adjective. of or relating to the control or direction of an activity by a set of rules, laws, etc.:The Coast Guard is to be commended for this current regulatory effort, as their proposed restriction addresses many concerns of the seafaring community.

What is an example of regulatory?

Common examples of regulation include limits on environmental pollution , laws against child labor or other employment regulations, minimum wages laws, regulations requiring truthful labelling of the ingredients in food and drugs, and food and drug safety regulations establishing minimum standards of testing and …

What does regulatory mean in business?

regulatory compliance
Simply put, regulatory compliance is when a business follows state, federal, and international laws and regulations relevant to its operations.

What is regulatory work?

What is regulatory affairs? Regulatory affairs is an industry that oversees how foods, drugs, and medical products are developed, tested, manufactured, marketed, and distributed to certify that they meet regulatory standards for human use.

What does regulation mean in law?

Definition. A Regulation is an official rule. In the Government, certain administrative agencies have a narrow authority to control conduct, within their areas of responsibility. These agencies have been delegated legislative power to create and apply the rules, or “regulations”. Derived from “regulate”.

What do regulatory bodies do?

A Regulatory Body is appointed by the Government to establish national standards for qualifications and to ensure consistent compliance with them.

What is the opposite of regulation?

Opposite of the process or act of managing, running or governing (something) deregulation. disorganisationUK. disorganizationUS. lawlessness.

What is the role of the regulator?

Monitoring compliance with contractual obligations to the government and users, and other legal and regulatory requirements. Establishing technical, safety and quality standards (if not defined in the contract agreements) and monitoring their compliance. Imposing penalties for non-compliance.

What is a regulatory issue?

Regulatory Issue means any matter involving interaction with a Regulatory Authority or compliance with regulatory requirements.

What does a regulatory counsel do?

Your primary duties involve advising clients on business transactions, analyzing laws and regulations, and assisting with legal counsel. Some regulatory attorneys work for a company, government agency, or organization while others work in private practice.

What is the difference between statutory and regulatory?

“Statutory refers to laws passed by a state and/or central government, while regulatory refers to a rule issued by a regulatory body appointed by a state and/or central government.”. Statutory requirements are those requirements which are applicable by virtue of law enacted by the government.

What are examples of regulations?

Regulation is the act of controlling, or a law, rule or order. An example of a regulation is the control over the sale of tobacco. An example of a regulation is a law that prevents alcohol from being sold in certain places.

What does it mean to be regulated?

Definition of regulate. transitive verb. 1a : to govern or direct according to rule. b(1) : to bring under the control of law or constituted authority. (2) : to make regulations for or concerning regulate the industries of a country. 2 : to bring order, method, or uniformity to regulate one’s habits.

What is the synonym for regulatory?

rule, regulation(noun) a principle or condition that customarily governs behavior. “it was his rule to take a walk before breakfast”; “short haircuts were the regulation”. Synonyms: rule, convention, regulation, normal, regularization, ordinance, principle, regularisation, ruler, prescript, pattern, formula, linguistic rule, regulating, dominion.