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When did Numa Pompilius live?

When did Numa Pompilius live?

April 21, 753 BC – 673 BC
Numa Pompilius/Years of Living

Where did Numa Pompilius come from?

Cures, Sabinum
Numa Pompilius/Place of birth

How old was Numa Pompilius when he became king?

After consulting the Augurs (the prophets who interpreted flights of birds believed to be signs of will of the gods*) Numa accepted and became the second king of Rome in 715 AD, at 38 years old.

Who was Numa Pompilius wife?

Numa Pompilius/Wife

Was Numa born in Rome?

According to Plutarch, Numa was the youngest of Pomponius’s four sons, born on the day of Rome’s founding (traditionally, 21 April 753 BC). He lived a severe life of discipline and banished all luxury from his home. According to Livy, Numa resided at Cures immediately before being elected king.

How did Numa became king?

Numa Pompilius may never have existed, but the Romans looked back to him as the founder of their religion. According to Roman myth, Numa became the second king of Rome after Romulus was snatched up to Heaven to become the god Quirinus, or according to another version, murdered by the senators.

Who was Numa Pompilius and what did he do?

Numa Pompilius (/ˈnuːmə pɒmˈpɪliəs/; 753–673 BC; reigned 715–673 BC) was the legendary second king of Rome, succeeding Romulus. He was of Sabine origin, and many of Rome’s most important religious and political institutions are attributed to him.

Who was the youngest of pompilius’four sons?

He was of Sabine origin, and many of Rome’s most important religious and political institutions are attributed to him. According to Plutarch, Numa was the youngest of Pomponius’s four sons, born on the day of Rome’s founding (traditionally, 21 April 753 BC).

What did the second king of Numa do?

…when the agricultural religion of Numa (the legendary second king) was transformed into an institutional state cult in the republic, it was organized as a hierarchy with the rex sacrorum (“king of the sacred things”) inheriting the office and attributes of the former priest-king.