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When was Alsace-Lorraine returned to France?

When was Alsace-Lorraine returned to France?

Alsace-Lorraine was returned to France in 1919 after World War I.

What is Alsace-Lorraine known for?

Alsace is famous for its beer (for example, Kronenbourg or Meteor), its sauerkraut (choucroute in French), and several other local specialities such as Alsace Flammekueche, a traditional dish that is not unlike a pizza without tomatoes, but covered with cheese, cream, mushrooms and local ham.

When did Germany takes Alsace-Lorraine region from France in the Franco-Prussian War?

May 10, 1871
By the terms of the final treaty, signed on May 10, 1871, at Frankfurt am Main, Germany annexed the French provinces of Alsace (excluding Belfort) and Lorraine; the French were also ordered to pay an indemnity of five billion francs.

What is Alsace-Lorraine called now?

Alsace-Lorraine summary For the full article, see Alsace-Lorraine. Alsace-Lorraine, Area, eastern France. It is now usually considered to include the present-day French departments of Haut-Rhin, Bas-Rhin, and Moselle. The area was ceded by France to Germany in 1871 after the Franco-Prussian War.

What is Alsace-Lorraine quizlet?

Alsace-Lorraine. Territory France lost during conflict with Germans, Territory taken by Germany from France as a rest of the Franco Prussian war. Was later returned to France as a result of German defeat in WWI. Militarism.

What happened to Alsace-Lorraine during ww1?

Alsace-Lorraine was reverted to French ownership in 1918 as part of the Treaty of Versailles and Germany’s defeat in World War I.

What is the significance historical of Alsace-Lorraine to France Germany and European history?

Alsace-Lorraine was a border region located between the Rhine River and the Vosges Mountains. Its role in French wartime propaganda, its geographic location, and its tumultuous recent history all combined to give the region a distinct experience of the First World War.

What political changes did the end of the Franco-Prussian War bring to France?

What political changes did the end of the Franco-Prussian War bring to France quizlet? It divided French society and revealed growing anti-Semitism and injustice in France. It showed the corruption of the government and the military and inspired later reforms that separated church and state.

How did France lose the Franco-Prussian War?

On 16 July 1870, the French parliament voted to declare war on Prussia; France invaded German territory on 2 August. German forces fought and defeated new French armies in northern France, besieging the capital of Paris for over four months, before it fell on 28 January 1871, effectively ending the war.

Is Alsatian a language?

Alsatian is a Germanic dialect spoken in Alsace. Even though the French government forbade the use of Germanic languages in schools in 1945, the dialect saw something of a revival in the 1970s when a number of independent movements fought against the state’s crackdown on regional languages.

Is Lorraine German or French?

Lorraine, (French: Lorraine), (German: Lothringen)[1] is an administrative region in eastern France. It borders the countries of Belgium, Luxembourg, and Germany in addition to the French regions of Franche-Comté, Alsace, and Champagne-Ardenne.

What happened to the regions Alsace and Lorraine quizlet?

What happened to Alsace-Lorraine after World War I? It was taken from Germany and given back to France. It was taken from Germany to make a new buffer state between France and Germany.