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When was Bidwell born?

When was Bidwell born?

June 30, 1839
Annie Bidwell/Date of birth

Annie Ellicott Kennedy Bidwell was born June 30, 1839. She and her husband, John Bidwell, were pioneers and founders of society in the Sacramento Valley in the 19th century.

Where was Bidwell born?

Chautauqua County, NY
John Bidwell/Place of birth

What happened to John Bidwell?

John Bidwell’s autobiography, Echoes of the Past, was published in 1900. The Bidwell Family Papers are held at the Bancroft Library. That same year, Bidwell died of natural causes on April 4, at the age of 80.

What did John Bidwell accomplish?

An American pioneer and agriculturist, John Bidwell (1819-1900) was instrumental in the settlement of California and remained active in its politics for half a century.

How old was Annie Bidwell when she died?

78 years (1839–1918)
Annie Bidwell/Age at death

Where did Bidwell start?

Sacramento Valley
Annie Kennedy Bidwell (June 30, 1839 – March 9, 1918) was a 19th-century pioneer and founder of society in the Sacramento Valley area of California.

When did Bidwell find gold?

When gold was discovered at Sutter’s mill in 1848, thousands of people rushed to California in the hopes of getting rich. Bidwell, who was already there, was one of the few who made a fortune from gold. He found gold on the Feather River, at a place called Bidwell’s Bar.

What does Bidwell mean?

Bidwell Name Meaning English: habitational name from any of various minor places called Bidwell, for example in Hertfordshire, from Old English byde(n) ‘tub’ + well(a) ‘spring’, ‘stream’.

Did Annie Bidwell have kids?

Although John and Annie did not have children and there are no direct descendants, John came from a family of 12 siblings.

How did Annie Bidwell help American Indians in Chico?

Annie Bidwell was a longtime regional vice president of the National Indian Association, an Indian rights organization. The Bidwells made many charitable donations. In 1887 they gave land from the ranch for the creation of a teacher-training school, which later became California State University at Chico.

What is Annie Bidwell known for?

Annie Kennedy Bidwell (June 30, 1839 – March 9, 1918) was a 19th-century pioneer and founder of society in the Sacramento Valley area of California. She is known for her contributions to social causes, such as women’s suffrage, the temperance movement, donating parks for travelers to camp and sleep in and education.

Why did Bidwell leave Missouri?

John Bidwell was born in Chautauqua County on 5th August, 1819. The man’s reputation for violence was so bad that the authorities of Platte County were unwilling to enforce Bidwell’s land rights. Disillusioned by these events, Bidwell decided to leave Missouri.