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Where can infectious diseases come from?

Where can infectious diseases come from?

Infectious diseases are disorders caused by organisms — such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. Many organisms live in and on our bodies. They’re normally harmless or even helpful. But under certain conditions, some organisms may cause disease.

What are 3 ways in which diseases can be transmitted?

Germs can spread from person to person through:

  • the air as droplets or aerosol particles.
  • faecal-oral spread.
  • blood or other body fluids.
  • skin or mucous membrane contact.
  • sexual contact.

Are diseases everywhere?

Germs live everywhere. You can find germs (microbes) in the air; on food, plants and animals; in soil and water — and on just about every other surface, including your body.

What are four ways that infection can be spread?

On this page

  • Spread through the air by droplets.
  • Spread through the air by aerosol.
  • Spread through faeces and then the mouth (faecal-oral spread)
  • Spread by skin or mucous membrane contact.
  • Spread through blood or other body fluids.
  • Other ways of describing how infectious diseases are spread.

What is the cause of a disease called?

The etiology of a disease is its cause or origin. Etiology is also the name for the study of the causes of diseases.

What are the causes of communicable diseases?

Communicable diseases are illnesses caused by viruses or bacteria that people spread to one another through contact with contaminated surfaces, bodily fluids, blood products, insect bites, or through the air. There are many examples of communicable diseases.

What are 5 ways infectious diseases can be spread?

5 Common Ways Germs are Spread

  • Nose, mouth, or eyes to hands to others: Germs can spread to the hands by sneezing, coughing, or rubbing the eyes and then can be transferred to other family members or friends.
  • Hands to food:
  • Food to hands to food:
  • Infected child to hands to other children:
  • Animals to people:

How are diseases caused and how do you prevent and cure them?

Prevention & Treatment

  1. Keep immunizations up to date.
  2. Wash your hands often.
  3. Prepare and handle food carefully.
  4. Use antibiotics only for infections caused by bacteria.
  5. Report to your doctor any rapidly worsening infection or any infection that does not get better after taking a course of antibiotics, if prescribed.

Where do new diseases come from?

Emerging infections can be caused by: Previously undetected or unknown infectious agents. Known agents that have spread to new geographic locations or new populations. Previously known agents whose role in specific diseases has previously gone unrecognized.

Where are germs found the most?

While many people assume that the bathroom doorknob would be the dirtiest, the NSF found other spots that ranked higher with bacteria, including:

  • bathroom light switches.
  • refrigerator handles.
  • stove knobs.
  • microwave handles.

How are infections caused?

An infection occurs when germs enter the body, increase in number, and cause a reaction of the body. Three things are necessary for an infection to occur: Source: Places where infectious agents (germs) live (e.g., sinks, surfaces, human skin) Susceptible Person with a way for germs to enter the body.

Which disease is caused by viruses?

Viruses cause familiar infectious diseases such as the common cold, flu and warts. They also cause severe illnesses such as HIV/AIDS, Ebola, and COVID-19. Viruses are like hijackers. They invade living, normal cells and use those cells to multiply and produce other viruses like themselves.