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Where can you use personal in a sentence?

Where can you use personal in a sentence?

Personally sentence example

  • Personally , I like it best too, and I think it’s the best bargain.
  • Many students stopped to talk and personally thank Ms.
  • Nor did he personally have access to much money.
  • Yeah.
  • Personally , I don’t buy into the paranormal.

How do you start a sentence with personal?

As you can see from my examples, the word “personally” can be placed in various places in the sentence: at the beginning, in the middle or between the words “I” and “think”. Please note that when we put this word in the middle of a sentence, we put commas around it, as in my first and fourth examples.

What is an example of personal?

The definition of personal is about you, related to you or affecting you, as opposed to the outside world or to anyone else. An example of personal information is your name, address, phone number and social security number.

How do you use personally?

You use personally to emphasize that you are giving your own opinion. Personally I think it’s a waste of time. I personally would welcome it. I think it’s going to cause chaos personally but never mind.

How do you write a personal example essay?

Personal Examples as Pathos

  1. Use vivid, concrete language and details. It might be a good idea to look at one or two of the style-related chapters for a start here: clear grammatical.
  2. Tell stories.
  3. Remember connotations, not just denotations.
  4. Consider images and other visually diverse material.

Is it okay to use personally?

There is really no semantic difference between these two. The short answer is that it is grammatically correct. Personally is an adverb, and in the example you reported, it is being used as adverb.

Can you use personally and I in the same sentence?

The short answer is that it is grammatically correct. Personally is an adverb, and in the example you reported, it is being used as adverb.

When do you use a personal pronoun in a sentence?

A personal pronoun is a pronoun that is associated primarily with a particular person, in the grammatical sense. When discussing “person” in terms of the grammatical, the following rules apply: First person, as in “I”. Second person, as in “you”.

How is the word personally used in a sentence?

They stand up as if personallyinsulted, personallywronged, personallyinjured. Readers should beware of thinking that the tenants, lessees or farmers of the properties were necessarily personallyresident therein. I personallyfound it just a little too negative with respect to the working girls.

What’s the legal definition of the word personal?

Legal Definition of personal. 1 : of, relating to, or affecting a person: as. a : of, relating to, or based on the existence or presence of a person — see also personal injury, personal jurisdiction at jurisdiction.

How can you use persona in a sentence?

Examples of persona in a Sentence His public persona is that of a strong, determined leader, but in private life he’s very insecure. The band takes on a whole new persona when they perform live.