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Where do girls get hairs?
Both guys and girls grow hair — pubic hair — around their genitals during puberty. Some people have a lot of pubic hair, and some have less.
Is thigh hair normal?
Whether or not you shave the hair on your legs is up to you. Just don’t worry about it spreading further down or getting thicker! It is totally normal to have pubic hair extend to the upper part of your thighs.
Why do I have hair on my breast?
Some girls have extra hair on their bodies because of genetics — some people have less body hair and others have more, so if your mom or sister also has nipple hair, it may just run in the family. Girls might also have extra hair because their bodies make too much of a hormone called androgen.
Where is the most common place for hair to grow?
Although whiskers that grow around the chin, lower jaw, and upper lip are typically thought of as a male trait, these areas are the most common places for hair to grow on women, too, according to Rebecca Baxt, MD, an assistant professor of dermatology at New York University School of Medicine.
Is it normal for women to have hair on their bodies?
Yes, women naturally grow hair over the entire body, save a few areas like the palms of their hands and bottoms of their feet. Everyone has body hair, including children and men, unless they experience some health problem or genetic abnormality that causes that hair to stop growing.
Where does male body hair grow after puberty?
After puberty and extending into adulthood, most males grow increasing amounts of terminal hair over the chest and abdomen areas. Adult women also typically can grow terminal hairs around the areola though in many cultures these hairs are typically removed.
Why do women grow hair on their arms and legs?
After puberty, hormones cause some body hair to become androgenic hair. In women, that generally means much thicker hair in the genital area and arm pits and slightly thicker hair on arms and legs.