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Where do mature bucks go after the rut?

Where do mature bucks go after the rut?

Post-rut is about recovery and survival. Mature bucks don’t get old by luck alone. The truth is, a mature whitetail that made it through the rut is both smart and lucky. Now that the breeding season is over, bucks will be looking for hidden and secluded areas to lay low and recover.

Do Bucks still fight after rut?

Mature Bucks Fall in the Post Rut Bucks will still be on the lookout for estrus does during this timeframe, but the action will be much more subdued than the peak rut. This means sticking to your rut hunting tactics and strategies during the post rut can still unexpectedly result in success!

How do you know when the rut is over?

Here are five clear signs that the rut is winding down:

  1. Doe/fawn groups reunite. A sure sign that the rut is on takes place when marauding bucks break up family units.
  2. Does return to commonly used areas.
  3. Bucks return to feeding.
  4. Bucks buddy up again.
  5. Roadkills tail off.

How do you attract bucks after the rut?

During the post-rut, try to find bedding areas that are close to the whitetail’s feeding areas. Bucks are weary and don’t want to travel too far for food if they can help it. As a result, you’ll often find them bedding in thick cover less than 300 yards of standing field crops or mast sources.

Do grunt calls work after the rut?

The days of December can be some of the most productive times in the deer woods as many hunters quit chasing bucks and turn their attention to ducks or other interests. And despite what many hunters think, calling can be a very effective tactic, even after the prime days of the rut have dwindled.

Do Bucks stay together during rut?

As the rut approaches and testosterone continues to rise, bucks gradually become less tolerant of each other, and the bachelor groups break apart.

How do you attract bucks in December?

December Water Sources For Bucks Deer can live by simply meeting their thirst thru the foods that they eat. However, there is a major difference between lush green forages that contain 50-80% moisture rates such as peas and brassicas, and late December food sources that contain 10-15% or less, such as corn and beans.

When should I start grunting for bucks?

A great time to utilize your buck grunt call is during the fall months and breeding season. During peak rut bucks are on the prowl, sparring with other bucks, rubbing trees and creating scrapes. They are eager seeking out does, as well as answering the calls of bucks looking to challenge their dominance.

Do buck travel with Doe?

They will move miles away from where they normally range in search of a doe to breed. There are some bucks that will stay in their home range, others will move away during October and November, and others may extend somewhat from their home range but not too much.

What do young bucks do after a rut?

Young bucks and the majority of does that have been bred will start transitioning towards winter habits, focusing on thermal cover and feeding areas to build their bodies back up from the stressful rut period. However, mature bucks that have experience know that there are still some does that are still needing to be bred.

What happens to deer during the post rut?

As the rut wanes into the post-rut, and the post-rut gives way to the late season, food becomes more and more of a focus for deer. Does that have already been bred, and young bucks exhausted from the rut begin slamming food during the later stages of the post rut. Sure enough mature bucks follow suite as the last does come out of estrus.

Is it easy to hunt a buck in a rut?

With bucks on the chase for estrus does, unique behaviors emerge that make them much more vulnerable and easier to hunt. If you’re thinking about hunting a buck during deer rutting season, it helps to understand how deer behave during the rut, what tactics are effective for each phase of the rut and how to avoid some common rut hunting mistakes.

Where to ambush a buck in a post rut?

While there are certainly other areas that can be excellent places to ambush a big buck during the post rut, hunting ridge tops above or upslope from known bedding areas are often unbeatable. While the title says “ridges”, this can be somewhat of an exaggeration.