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Where does the sediment on the abyssal plain come from give two sources?

Where does the sediment on the abyssal plain come from give two sources?

Abyssal plains result from the blanketing of an originally uneven surface of oceanic crust by fine-grained sediments, mainly clay and silt. Much of this sediment is deposited by turbidity currents that have been channelled from the continental margins along submarine canyons into deeper water.

What type of sediment are abyssal plains composed of quizlet?

The most prominent hydrogenous sediments are manganese nodules, which litter abyssal plains, and phosphorite nodules, seen along some continental margins.

What are the most abundant sediment size deposits in the great abyssal plains?

1) Terrigenous Sediments: These sediments originate from the continents from erosion, volcanism and wind transported material. These are the most abundant sediments.

What is the main source of energy in the abyssal plain?

Their main source of food is ”marine snow”—a slow drift of mucus, fecal pellets, and body parts—that sinks down from the surface waters.

Where is abyssal plains?

ocean floor
The term ‘abyssal plain’ refers to a flat region of the ocean floor, usually at the base of a continental rise, where slope is less than 1:1000. It represents the deepest and flat part of the ocean floor lying between 4000 and 6500 m deep in the U.S. Atlantic Margin.

Which two types of sediments contribute most to sediments in the ocean?

However the two main types are the terrigenous and the biogenous. Lithogenous/terrigenous sediments account for about 45% of the total marine sediment, and originate in the erosion of rocks on land, transported by rivers and land runoff, windborne dust, volcanoes, or grinding by glaciers.

What are the two most common types of sediment which coat the ocean bottom?

Shells and similar remnants of ocean life compose biogenous sediment. The two most common materials in shells are calcium carbonate and silica. Some biogenous sediments form close to their source, like calcium carbonate deposits along reefs. Other biogenous sediments form as tiny shells sink to the bottom of the ocean.

Where are the abyssal plains found on the Earth?

Abyssal plains occur on the bottom of a seabed from roughly 10,000 to 20,000 feet below sea level. The majority of the world’s abyssal plains are found within The Atlantic Ocean, although they are in all seas on Earth. Abyssal plains are made up of silt, sediment and sand that blankets the original ocean floor, forming a smooth, flat plain.

What kind of metals are in the abyssal plains?

On the abyssal plains, where sediments accumulate slowly, chemical and biological processes lead to the formation of metal-bearing coatings around objects such as the ear bones of fishes. The nodules so formed contain manganese, iron, nickel, copper, cobalt, and traces of other metals such as platinum.

Why are abyssal plain limestones restricted in volume?

Deep-water abyssal plain limestones are quite restricted in volume and age in the geologic record for a number of reasons. On the abyssal plains, where sediments accumulate slowly, chemical and biological processes lead to the formation of metal-bearing coatings around objects such as the ear bones of fishes.

What makes up the basalt in the ocean?

Typically, the basalt is covered by layers of sediments, much of which is deposited by deep ocean turbidity currents (caused by the greater density of sediment-laden water ), or biological materials, such as minute shells of marine plants and animals, that have “rained” down from the ocean’s upper levels, or a mixture of both.