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Where does the term schnoz come from?

Where does the term schnoz come from?

1940s from Yiddish shnoytz, from German Schnauze ‘snout’.

What language is schnoz?

German: Schnorrer; OED, MW) Schnoz or Schnozz also Schnozzle: A nose, especially a large nose (perhaps from שנויץ‎, shnoyts, ‘snout’; cf.

What is the meaning of schnoz?

US slang. : nose Sneezing is a natural reflex designed to clear virus particles from your schnozz.— Jeff Keough —used especially of a large nose …

Is chintzy a real word?

adjective, chintz·i·er, chintz·i·est. stingy; miserly: a chintzy way to entertain guests. …

Is schnoz slang?

Schnoz is a slang term for a nose, especially a big one. Schnoz is very informal and is usually used to be funny.

What is the Yiddish word for nose?

(shnŏz) or schnozz (shnŏz), also schnoz·zle (shnŏz′əl) n. Slang. The human nose. [Probably alteration of Yiddish snoyts, snout, muzzle, from German Schnauze.]

What is a synonym for chintzy?


  • cheap.
  • frowzy.
  • schlocky.
  • shabby.
  • sleazy.
  • tacky.

Where does the last name Schnozz come from?

Likely from Yiddish שנויץ ‎ (shnoyts), in turn from German Schnauze (“snout”). Compare schnozzle. A less common theory suggests a variant of nose influenced by schm-, or by general association with Yiddish words. Attested since at least 1940.

What does Schnoz stand for in slang terms?

Schnoz is a slang term for a nose, especially a big one. Schnoz is very informal and is usually used to be funny. Sometimes, it’s used to make fun of someone who has a big nose, which can be very rude and offensive, but some people also apply the term to their own nose.

Where does the Yiddish word Schnozzle come from?

The word schnozzle may come from an alteration of the Yiddish shnoitsl, a diminutive of shnoits, from the German Schnauze, meaning “snout.” Several other nose-related Yiddish words begin with schn or shn, including shnabl and shnuk, both meaning “beak,” and shnoyts, meaning “snout.”

What’s the difference between a snout and a Schnoz?

Snout is most commonly used to refer to animal noses, but it can also be used as a slang term for a person’s nose. Schnoz is most commonly used to refer to people’s noses, but it can also be used to refer to an animal snout, as in Look at the schnoz on that anteater!