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Where is 60 and Latitude 140 longitude?

Where is 60 and Latitude 140 longitude?

Where is 60 and Latitude 140 longitude?

Latitude/longitude Country % Correct
60 N, 140 W United States 55.3%
60 N, 120 W Canada 54.7%
60 N, 100 W Canada 54.4%
60 N, 80 E Russia 49.8%

What city is 36 degrees north and 140 degrees east?

city of Tokyo
If you look world map you can see this is city of Tokyo in Japan.

Where is 60 degrees North 120 West?

The Confluence is exactly located on the triple boundary point between British Columbia, Alberta, and the Northwest Territories.

What country is 40 degrees north and 140 degrees east?

From Pole to Pole

Co-ordinates Country, territory or sea
41°32′N 140°0′E Sea of Japan
40°44′N 140°0′E Japan
39°51′N 140°0′E Sea of Japan
39°20′N 140°0′E Japan

How do you locate places on earth using map or globe?

Another way to describe location is to use reference lines to describe coordinates, or absolute position, on the globe. Two types of imaginary reference lines are used to locate positions or points and to make accurate globes and maps. These lines are called parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude.

What continent is 20s and 60w?

What continent is 20s 60w? When looking at 20 South and 60 West on a map, in terms of longitude and latitude, the coordinates are centered on South America.

Where is 50 degrees north and 4 degrees East?

50 Degrees North – 4 Degrees East is the general location of Brussels in terms of geo-coordinates (50°51′0″N 4°21′0″E).

Where is 25 degrees north and 122 degrees east?

From Pole to Pole

Co-ordinates Country, territory or sea
29°46′N 122°0′E East China Sea
25°1′N 122°0′E Republic of China
25°0′N 122°0′E East China Sea
25°0′N 122°0′E Pacific Ocean

Where is 60 degrees north latitude?

The 60th parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 60 degrees north of Earth’s equator. It crosses Europe, Asia, the Pacific Ocean, North America, and the Atlantic Ocean.

Where is 60 degrees west longitude?

The meridian 60° west of Greenwich is a line of longitude that extends from the North Pole across the Arctic Ocean, Greenland, North America, the Atlantic Ocean, South America, the Southern Ocean, and Antarctica to the South Pole.

Where is 15 degrees north and 75 degrees east?

Both confluences are located near the town of Hubli in Karnataka.

What city is 30n and 30e?

This location is Cairo city in Egypt. The ’rounded’ number coordinates of 30 degrees north and 31 degrees east do not relate to the exact centre of the city. Page started 24 Mar 2019 HTML5, updated 9 Jun 2021.