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Where is Antarctica located in the world?

Where is Antarctica located in the world?

listen)) is Earth’s southernmost continent. It contains the geographic South Pole and is situated in the Antarctic region of the Southern Hemisphere, almost entirely south of the Antarctic Circle, and is surrounded by the Southern Ocean….Antarctica.

Area 14,200,000 km2 5,500,000 sq mi
UN M49 code 010

What country owns Antarctica?

There is no single country that owns Antarctica. Instead, Antarctica is governed by a group of nations in a unique international partnership. The Antarctic Treaty, first signed on December 1, 1959, designates Antarctica as a continent devoted to peace and science.

Why is Antarctica extreme?

Antarctica is the windiest continent on earth. Winds flow down the coastal slopes under the influence of gravity. Speeds of these katabatic winds have been recorded up to 204 miles per hour (327 kilometers per hour).

What language do they speak in Antarctica?

The most commonly spoken language of Antarctica is Russian, which happens to be the official language of Bellingsgauzenia, New Devon, and Ognia. English is also one of the most widespread languages spoken. You can find English spoken in the Balleny Islands, New South Greenland, Eduarda, etc.

What is the largest country in Antarctica?

Most of these countries recognize each other claims, but there has been some friction between Argentina, Chile and the United Kingdom as their claimed territories overlap. Currently, Australia claims the largest territory of Antarctica.

What are the major cities in Antarctica?

The largest city is Sanae. The largest demographics are Canadian, Swedish and Indian. North Antarctica’s major cities include Sanae, Mawson and Novolazarevskaya. Each of those cities have extremely cold climates, but are major Antarctican ports.

Where is the warmest place in Antarctica?

The coasts of the Antarctic Peninsula are the only parts of West Antarctica that become (in summer) ice-free. These constitute the Marielandia Antarctic tundra and have the warmest climate in Antarctica. The rocks are clad in mosses and lichens that can cope with the intense cold of winter and the short growing-season.

What is the absolute location of Antarctica?

The continent of Antarctica is positioned in 90º 00′ S latitude and 0º 00′ E longitude respectively. It is located on the southern part of the Antarctic Circle . The total area is slightly smaller than 1°5 times to that of USA.