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Where is female erectile tissue?

Where is female erectile tissue?

In the clitoris and penis Erectile tissue exists in places such as the corpora cavernosa of the penis, and in the clitoris or in the bulbs of vestibule.

Which structures in the female contain erectile tissues?

Explanation: In the female reproductive system, there are two structures that contain erectile tissue: vascular tissue that becomes engorged with blood. The clitoris, situated below the pubic bone and just above the urethral opening, is one of these structures.

Where are erectile tissues found?

male penis
Erectile tissue is found in the male penis, the female vagina and clitoris, and the nipples of both men and women. The male penis is composed of three compartments: one along each side (the corpus cavernosum; plural, cavernosa) and the central compartment (the corpus spongiosum).

What is a clitoral bulb?

The bulbs of the vestibule (also known as the vestibular, vestibulovaginal or clitoral bulbs) are conglomerations of erectile soft tissue, collectively homologous to the bulb of the penis. However unlike in the male, the developing bulb is bisected by the vaginal opening to form two halves.

Do girls have erectile tissue?

The corpus spongiosum of the female urethra becomes congested during sexual arousal; therefore, male erection equals erection of the female erectile organs. The correct anatomical term to describe the erectile tissues responsible for female orgasm is the female penis.

What does erectile tissue look like?

The erectile tissue within the corpora contains arteries, nerves, muscle fibers, and venous sinuses lined with flat endothelial cells, and it fills the space of the corpora cavernosa. The cut surface of the corpora cavernosa looks like a sponge.

What does the erectile tissue look like?

Can erectile tissue heal on its own?

The goal of treatment is to reduce pain and maintain sexual activity. In some cases, treatment is not needed. Peyronie disease often happens in a mild form that heals on its own in 6 to 15 months. There is no cure for Peyronie disease.

What is a woman’s G spot anatomy?

Generally, the G-spot is located on the anterior wall of the vagina, which if you’re lying down, is the top wall or the front. Usually it’s about one-third of the way up that wall, but may be higher or lower. It may feel rougher than the surrounding tissue, and is sometimes described as feeling like orange peel.

What is erectile tissue made of?

The erectile tissue of the human penis is composed of elastic fibers, collagen fibers, smooth muscles, arteries and veins, and has important functions in the mechanism of penile erection [1]–[6].

How do I know if I have erectile tissue damage?


  1. audible snapping or popping sound.
  2. sudden loss of your erection.
  3. severe pain following the injury.
  4. dark bruising above the injured area.
  5. bent penis.
  6. blood leaking from penis.
  7. difficult urination.