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Where is the headquarters of INTERPOL located?

Where is the headquarters of INTERPOL located?

Lyon, France

What is the capital of INTERPOL?

The Organization’s headquarters is in Lyon, France. The INTERPOL organisation now incorporates 194 member countries, an intergovernmental organisation second in size only to the United Nations, where INTERPOL also has observer status.

Where was INTERPOL founded?

September 7, 1923, Vienna, Austria

Where is INTERPOL based in the UK?

The United Kingdom’s INTERPOL NCB is located in Manchester. It plays a central role in protecting the country and surrounding region from the threat of international organized crime.

Where is the headquarters of the Interpol located?

Location of the Interpol Headquarters. Its headquarters are based in Lyon, France. Lyon is one of the largest cities in France, and it’s also described as a pilot metropolitan of the European Council. Therefore, the headquarters of the International Criminal Police Organization are based in Europe.

Who is the US Representative to Interpol?

As Director, Mr. Hughes acts on behalf of the Attorney General as the official U.S. representative to INTERPOL, the world’s largest international criminal police organization, and its 194 member countries.

Why is Interpol important to the police World?

Since INTERPOL is a global organization, it can provide this platform for cooperation; we enable police to work directly with their counterparts, even between countries which do not have diplomatic relations. We also provide a voice for police on the world stage, engaging with governments at the highest level to encourage this cooperation

Where does the money for Interpol come from?

The primary sources of funding for this organization are the member states. Annually, the Interpol collects revenue of around 113 million euros from the member countries. The member countries can also make additional contributions to make the running of this law enforcement body to run smoothly.