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Where is the laundromat in Wimpy Wonderland Island?

Where is the laundromat in Wimpy Wonderland Island?

Leave the Leisure Towers and go right, to Whirley Street. There will be a gang of kids chucking snowballs at you. Dodge them as best as you can and pick up the Snow Shovel that is there. Then go allll the way left, past Greg’s house, until you reach the screen with the Laundromat. There will be a house there – it belongs to Greg’s grandma.

Where to find Manny in Wimpy Wonderland Island?

Go up to Manny’s room and run to the left, where a window has been left open. Exit out that window, and follow the trail of Manny’s footprints until you get to Greg’s friend Rowley, who will tell you that his rumble bike has been stolen. Then, you will see Manny coasting down the hill on the bike.

Where do you pass watercress salad in Wimpy Wonderland?

You can also pass the watercress salad part by opening a new tab (Ctrl + T) and doing anything you want, then returning to the game after about two minutes. Leave the Leisure Towers and go right, to Whirley Street. There will be a gang of kids chucking snowballs at you.

Where is the trash can in Wimpy Wonderland Island?

Jump up into the tree to the left and you’ll knock down a carrot. Keep walking to the right until you see a see-saw. You need to push the trash can onto the left side of the see-saw. Then climb up to the top of the pine tree and jump onto the right side of the see-saw. The trash can should now be on the ledge of the building.

How do you get to Rodricks room in Wimpy Wonderland?

Use the Joshie Fan Club membership card to open the door to the laundry room. Examine the fuse box on the wall and click on the switch to Rodrick’s room. He’ll leave the house after his power gets shut off. Go into his room and you’ll pick up a dog dish. Then exit the house and go into the garage.

Where do you get combo in Wimpy Wonderland Island?

Run toward the tree at the right of the school, and get the Combo. Push the trash can onto the left side of the see-saw, and jump off the school onto the other end to launch the can. Push it toward the trash-can underneath the window Manny jumped into. Jump into the school using the can as a step stool.