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Where is the potential energy greatest?

Where is the potential energy greatest?

Potential energy is greatest when the most energy is stored. This could be when an object reaches its highest point in the air before falling, a rollercoaster just before it drops, or when a rubber band is stretched as far back as possible before it snaps. Potential energy is then converted to kinetic energy.

Where does a roller coaster have the most potential energy quizlet?

A cart on a roller coaster has the most gravitational energy when it is at the highest point of the ride.

Where on a roller coaster Are there equal amounts of kinetic and potential energy?

The roller coaster car has maximum potential energy at the greatest height it reaches and maximum kinetic energy at it’s lowest point, where it has maximum speed. At any point between starting from rest and reaching minimum height it will have both potential and kinetic energy.

Where does the coaster have the most kinetic energy?

bottom of the first hill
The kinetic energy of a roller coaster is at its highest at the bottom of the first hill.

Which has more potential energy the brick or the feather?

The higher an object, the more potential energy. The more mass an object has, the more potential energy it has. The brick has more mass than the feather; therefore more potential energy!

Where does the cart have the greatest kinetic energy?

3. Answer: D Explanation: As indicated by the equation, the kinetic energy is greatest where the velocity value is the greatest. The velocity of the cart at the two indicated times can be read off the velocity-time graph (bottom graph) of Figure 1. At 1.60 seconds, the velocity of the cart is +2.0 m/s.

Where does the car on a hill have the greatest potential energy?

first hill
Why is the first hill the highest? (The first hill is the highest to give the car maximum potential energy for conversion to kinetic energy so that the car can have enough energy to complete the course.)