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Where was Ajax the Great born?

Where was Ajax the Great born?

Ajax’s mother’s name was Eriopis. According to Strabo, he was born in Naryx in Locris, where Ovid calls him Narycius heros. According to the Iliad, he led his Locrians in forty ships against Troy. He is described as one of the great heroes among the Greeks.

Why is Locrian Ajax killed?

Ajax, (Latin), Greek Aias, byname Ajax the Lesser, in Greek legend, son of Oileus, king of Locris; he was said to be boastful, arrogant, and quarrelsome. Ajax’s ship was wrecked, but he swam to a rock and boasted to the gods of his escape. Then he was cast by Poseidon into the sea and drowned.

Who is Ajax in the Aeneid?

Ajax the Lesser, alternately known as Locrian Ajax, was a character in Greek mythology. He appeared in Homer’s Iliad, Virgil’s Aeneid and Euripides’ The Trojan Women.

What happened to Ajax the Lesser after the Trojan War?

At the end of the Trojan War and after Achilles’ death, Ajax along with Odysseus fought against the Trojans to retrieve the body of the hero. After burying him, the two wanted to claim Achilles’ armour for themselves. Ajax, angry at what had happened, deliberately fell on his own sword and died.

Why was Ajax the Lesser called the Lesser Ajax?

He was called the “lesser” or “Locrian” Ajax, to distinguish him from Ajax the Great, son of Telamon. He was the leader of the Locrian contingent during the Trojan War. He is a significant figure in Homer’s Iliad and is also mentioned in the Odyssey and Virgil ‘s Aeneid.

Who was the father of Ajax the greater?

Ajax the Greater was the son of the king of the island of Salamis and the half-brother of Teucer, an archer on the Greek side in the Trojan War. Teucer’s mother was Hesione, sister of the Trojan King Priam.

What did Ajax the lesser do to Cassandra?

After the Greek victory over the Trojans, Ajax the Lesser dragged Cassandra, the daughter of King Priam of Troy, away from the temple of the goddess Athena and assaulted her. As punishment, Athena caused Ajax and his fleet to be shipwrecked on their voyage home from the war.

How did Ajax the lesser die in Greek mythology?

Poseidon killing Ajax the Lesser. As he was returning from Troy, Athena hit his ship with a thunderbolt and the vessel was wrecked on the Whirling Rocks (Γυραὶ πέτραι). But he escaped with some of his men, managing to cling onto a rock through the assistance of Poseidon.