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Which animal has got eight legs?

Which animal has got eight legs?

Spiders, scorpions, mites, ticks, whip scorpions, and pseudoscorpions are all arachnids that can be found in Everglades National Park. Unlike insects, arachnids have eight legs and no antennae, and their body is divided into two main segments: a cephalothorax and abdomen.

Do all arachnids have 8 legs?

All arachnids have eight legs, and unlike insects, they don’t have antennae. The bodies of arachnids are divided into two sections, the cephalothorax in front and the abdomen behind. Sometimes times small arachnids like mites and harvestmen have the two sections fused close together so you can’t see the separation.

What animal has many legs?

Centipede or Millipede? Both centipedes and millipedes are wormlike, multi-legged animals (and therefore, detested). Both are frequently noticed in the garden or house.

How many legs does octopus have?


BERLIN (Reuters) – Octopuses’ eight tentacles divide up into six “arms” and two “legs”, a study published by a chain of commercial aquariums said on Thursday. Octopuses are reckoned to be the world’s most intelligent invertebrates and are able to use tools with their sucker-covered tentacles.

Do Daddy Long Legs have 8 legs?

Rather than six to eight eyes, daddy longlegs have only two — some species known as “mite harvestmen” have no eyes at all. And instead of two defined body segments, a daddy longlegs’ oval torso appears as one, tiny piece. Like spiders (and unlike flies), daddy longlegs are arachnids and have eight legs.

Do any bugs have 4 legs?

Locusts, along with other types of grasshoppers, are included in the family Acrididae of insects. In this case, the hind legs of the grasshoppers are used for jumping only. They stand and walk only on two front pairs of legs. That is why the “Holy Bible” claims that the locusts and grasshoppers are four-legged insects.