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Which element is most active in group 1?

Which element is most active in group 1?

Reactivity of Group 1 Elements The reactivity of alkali metals increases from the top to the bottom of the group, so lithium (Li) is the least reactive alkali metal and francium (Fr) is the most reactive. Because alkali metals are so reactive, they are found in nature only in combination with other elements.

Which element is most active in periodic table?

Lithium is the most active element in the periodic table.

  • The periodic table is composed of 18 groups and 7 periods.
  • In groups, it increases from left to right whereas, in periods, it increases from bottom to top.

Why are group 1 elements the most active metals?

Alkali metals are among the most reactive metals. This is due in part to their larger atomic radii and low ionization energies. They tend to donate their electrons in reactions and have an oxidation state of +1. All these characteristics can be attributed to these elements’ large atomic radii and weak metallic bonding.

What element in Group 1 is the most reactive with water?

Alkali metals are stored under oil because they react with air and water. Alkali metals react vigorously with water to form the metal hydroxide (which is an alkaline solution) and hydrogen. > potassium is more reactive than sodium. FIGURE 2: Group 1 metals in the periodic table.

Is Lithium the most active metal in Group 1?

Statement 1: Lithium is the most active metal in the first group of the Periodic Table.

What group is the most active metals?

The most active metals in the activity series are lithium, sodium, rubidium, potassium, cesium, calcium, strontium and barium. These elements belong to groups IA and IIA of the periodic table.

Which of the following groups contain the most active metals?

The family that contains the most reactive metals are the alkali metals.

Which group in the periodic table contains the most active metals?

alkali metals
The family that contains the most reactive metals are the alkali metals.

How does Group 1 react with water?

All the alkali metals react vigorously with cold water. In each reaction, hydrogen gas is given off and the metal hydroxide is produced. The speed and violence of the reaction increases as you go down the group. This shows that the reactivity of the alkali metals increases as you go down Group 1.

Where are the most active metals on the periodic table?

+1. kaypeeoh72z and 1 more users found this answer helpful. The most active metallic element can be found in the bottom left corner (group 1) of the periodic table. These elements are Lithium (Li), Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Rubidium (Rb), Caesium (Cs), and Francium (Fr). Group 1 of the Periodic Table is called the Alkali Metals.

What are the Group 1 elements of the periodic table?

The Group 1 elements are: Hydrogen. Lithium. Sodium. Potassium. Rubidium. Caesium. Francium. The Group 1 metals are all highly reactive silvery metals that are so reactive to air and moisture that they must be stored under an inert atmosphere or oil.

How are Group 1 elements reactive to air?

The Group 1 elements are: The Group 1 metals are all highly reactive silvery metals that are so reactive to air and moisture that they must be stored under an inert atmosphere or oil. They are all soft and can be cut easily with a knife.

What is Group 1 called?

The Group 1 elements other than hydrogen are called the alkali metals. The Group 1 elements are: The Group 1 metals are all highly reactive silvery metals that are so reactive to air and moisture that they must be stored under an inert atmosphere or oil.