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Which factor most contributed to labor specialization in West Africa?

Which factor most contributed to labor specialization in West Africa?

The ability to obtain iron tools would help labor specialization because it made it easier to trade and get even better tools it also helped to bring the Africans together. The division of jobs and skills in a society is called labor specialization.

What is labor specialization and what does it do for Africa?

Labor specialization is the division of jobs and skills in a society. Labor specialization could include weaving textiles, working with metal, creating better agricultural tools. By 350 B.C., West Africans were making iron tools. With the help or iron tools, the people of West Africa could grow more food.

What do African farmers eat?

The first farmers grew two types of crops; sorghum and millet. These grains could be ground into a powder to make porridge or beer. After the Europeans arrived in the 1500s, the early farmers introduced wheat and maize to Africa. (We eat bread made from wheat and porridge made from maize).

How can we improve farming in Africa?

8 ways Africa can raise farm productivity and boost growth

  1. Develop high-yield crops.
  2. Boost irrigation.
  3. Increase the use of fertilizers.
  4. Improve market access, regulations, and governance.
  5. Make better use of information technology.
  6. Adopt genetically modified (GM) crops.

How did labor specialization help people become wealthier?

How did labor specialization help people become wealthier? when people became specialized they became better @ excerising their skills. They were able to produce more, which they could then sell for increase their wealth.

Which of these was an important feature of West African society?

What were the key characteristics of West African society? West African societies varied in size from small kingdoms to large empires. Most people lived by farming, but there were also many skilled artisans. Religion and family ties were central to West African life.

How did technology and labor specialization lead to economic growth in early African civilizations?

Some people focused on specific types of work, a process known as labor specialization. Labor specialization led to a diverse West African economy. Iron technology allowed Africans to create stronger agricultural tools and weapons. As a result of this technology, the population grew and became wealthier.

How might the West African oral tradition be different from the written tradition?

how might the west african oral tradition be different from written tradition? have a greater sense of community cause they gather together. Member of society w/written tradition could read the tradition in isolation.

What crops do African farmers grow?

Africa produces all the principal grains—corn, wheat, and rice—in that order of importance. Corn has the widest distribution, being grown in virtually all ecological zones. Highest yields per acre are recorded in Egypt and on the Indian Ocean islands of Réunion and Mauritius, areas where production is under irrigation.

How did the Khoisan get their food?

The Khoikhoi and the San. Although known as herders or pastoralists, the Khoikhoi also obtained food by hunting and gathering. The Khoikhoi kept large herds of fat-tailed sheep, long-horned cattle, and goats. Livestock were used for milk and were slaughtered only on ritual occasions.

How did the growth of the African population impact food?

Population growth will greatly increase the amount of food needed to adequately feed sub-Saharan Africa’s people. Despite impressive reductions in child mortality and improvements in life expectancy, women’s reproductive health lags behind and birth rates remain high.

How can we improve agriculture and farming?

Increased agricultural productivity refers to the more efficient distribution of scarce resources….How to Improve Farming Productivity

  1. Implementation of land reforms.
  2. Interplant.
  3. Plant more densely.
  4. Plant many crops.
  5. Raised beds.
  6. Smart water management.
  7. Heat Tolerant Varieties.