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Which is an example of dehydration synthesis?

Which is an example of dehydration synthesis?

Formation of disaccharides from monosaccharides in carbohydrates, the formation of lipids with one glycerol and three molecules of fatty acids are examples of dehydration synthesis. Similarly, the formation of nucleic acid from nucleotide is also an example of dehydration synthesis.

What is the purpose of joining molecules of glucose together?

Joining sugars together Individual sugar molecules, the monosaccharides, can be used as monomers joined together to form larger structures. For example, two glucose molecules can be joined to form the disaccharide called maltose,.

What is a dehydration reaction with example?

Updated June 25, 2019. A dehydration reaction is a chemical reaction between two compounds where one of the products is water. For example, two monomers may react where a hydrogen (H) from one monomer binds to a hydroxyl group (OH) from the other monomer to form a dimer and a water molecule (H2O).

What type of bond is formed during dehydration synthesis?

covalent bond
In dehydration synthesis reactions, a water molecule is formed as a result of generating a covalent bond between two monomeric components in a larger polymer.

What does dehydration synthesis create?

Dehydration synthesis is the creation of larger molecules from smaller monomers where a water molecule is released. This can be used in the creation of synthetic polymers such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET), or the creation of large biological molecules such as carbohydrate polymers and triglycerides.

Why do we need dehydration synthesis?

In biology and chemistry, a dehydration synthesis reaction (or a condensation reaction) is one that synthesizes—or joins—two molecules together, resulting in a loss of water.It may not sound like much, but the underlying importance of dehydration synthesis is that it is central to the production of larger biological …

How do glucose molecules join together to form polysaccharides?

Glucose molecules can link together. When many glucose molecules link together in a long chain, molecules called polysaccharides (many sugars) are formed. The link formed between each molecule is known as a glycosidic bond. Amylose has several hundred glucose monomers linked together in this way.

How is glucose linked together?

Tiny forces called hydrogen bonds hold the glucose molecules together, and the chains in close proximity. Although each hydrogen bond is very, very weak, when thousands or millions of them form between two cellulose molecules the result is a very stable, very strong complex that has enormous strength.

Why dehydrating agent is used in microchemical test explain it with the help of example?

Answer: High water absorption efficiency; It is used very often to design the water dehydration process and determine the amount of water removed. It is the difference between the dew point temperature of a water-saturated gas stream, and the dew point after the stream has been dehydrated.

What is dehydrating agent with example?

Examples of drying agents are silica gel, anhydrous calcium carbonate (CaCO3 ), calcium hydride ( CaH2 ), etc. Examples of dehydrating agents are concentrated H3PO4 (phosphoric acid), conc. H2SO4 (sulphuric acid), Al2O3 (aluminium oxide), etc.

Why is water released in dehydration synthesis?

The formation of the O-glycosidic bond is a form of dehydration synthesis; here, an OH group of one molecule (sugar or another molecule) and another OH group from a sugar molecule react to form a bond between the two molecules using an oxygen atom as a bridge between the two molecules and resulting in a water molecule …

How many water molecules are released in dehydration synthesis?

As a result of which three water molecules are released and glycerol molecule become covalently linked with three fatty acids via 3 ester bonds forming triglyceride(lipid). This reaction is known as dehydration synthesis.