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Which is the poorest conductor of electricity?

Which is the poorest conductor of electricity?

Poor conductors of electricity is/are: (a) Silver (b) Aluminium (c) Pure water (d) Copper

  • Maths.
  • NCERT Books. CBSE Syllabus.

Is silver the poorest conductor of electricity?

Silver is a poor conductor of electricity while mercury is a very good conductor.

Is there any metal that is not conductive?

Originally Answered: What metal is not a conductor? Bismuth is a metal that is not a conductor. Because the electrical resistivity of Bismuth is very high. Aluminum is non conductive.

What is the conductivity of brass?

Electrical Conductivity of Materials

Material IACS % Conductivity
Aluminum 61
Nickel 22
Zinc 27
Brass 28

Is silver a poor conductor?

3 Heat of Fusion. Silver is an excellent conductor of heat, while stainless steel is a poor conductor. In fact, silver is twice as good a conductor as aluminum, and nearly 10 times as good as a conductor as low-carbon steel. Copper and gold are the only metals that come close to silver in thermal conductivity.

Is silver more conductive than gold?

The most electrically conductive element is silver, followed by copper and gold. Although it is the best conductor, copper and gold are used more often in electrical applications because copper is less expensive and gold has a much higher corrosion resistance.

What metal is a poor conductor of heat?

The poorest conductor of heat among metals is Bismuth. Stainless steel is another one that is a poor conductor of heat, and you use this often in everyday life! Other poor conductors include titanium , lead and chromium.

Which is the worst conductor in the world?

Mercury is quite a bad conductor, as is lead. Whether these fall into the category of “readily available” or not is up to you. Nichrome, 65 to 88 the resistivity of Cu. I’m sure that in 1985 plutonium is available at every corner drug store, but in 1955 it’s a little hard to come by.

Which is the Best Conductor of a metal?

Silver is the best conductor when compared to all other metals detected with metal detectors. It is important also to understand that basic metals take on new conductive properties when alloyed with different metals. On the Conductive Order of Metals chart 1, listed are the basic types of metals…

Which is a better conductor of heat lead or mercury?

As compared to lead, mercury is a poor conductor of heat. In fact, its thermal conductivity is the poorest in metals. The thermal conductivity of mercury is approximately 8W/mK at a temperature of 20℃. Lead also is a poor conductor of heat, but much better than mercury. Its thermal conductivity is approximately 35 W/mK at 20℃.