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Which is the southern slopes in Himalayan region covered with thick vegetation?

Which is the southern slopes in Himalayan region covered with thick vegetation?

The Shiwaliks are present at the Southernmost slopes which are also the lowest elevated hills and contain thick vegetation.

Why are the southern slopes of the Himalayas warmer?

These slopes get oblique rays. These slopes are exposed to cold winds. These are Sunny slopes and shelters from cold winds. So the Southern Slopes of Himalayas are warmer than northern slopes.

Why is there a variation in the vegetation along the slopes of the Himalayas?

Both north and south slopes of Lesser Himalayan mountain abode coniferous forest at low and grassland communities at high altitudes. Variation in vegetation between two contrasting aspects (mountain faces) is the result of the difference in reception of solar radiation (Ghimire et al.

Which forests cover mostly the southern slopes of the Himalayas?

Temperate forests are found on the Southern slopes of the Himalayas in India.

What are the southern slopes in Himalayan region covered?

The southern slopes of the Himalayan region are covered in thick vegetation as compared to the northern slopes of the same hills.

Why are the western slopes of Western Ghats covered with thick forests?

Why have the western slopes of the Western Ghats covered with thick forests and not the eastern slopes? Answer: It is because the western slope gets much heavier rainfall than the eastern slopes. Moisture laden air moves eastwards across, the Western Ghats during the monsoon season.

Why are the south facing slopes of the Garo Khasi Jaintia Hills are warmer than the north facing slopes of these hills?

A)The houses will be on the south facing slopes because the Himalayas have an East West alignment and are in the Northern Hemisphere. The south facing slopes will get the more direct rays (vertical rays) hence they are warmer, while the northern slopes will get the slanting rays hence they are colder. 1.

Why Himalayas are covered with snow and ice even during summer?

The name Himalaya means “abode of snow” in Sanskrit. The moisture for snowfall in this part of the range is delivered primarily by the summer monsoon. The mountains form a natural barrier that blocks monsoonal moisture from reaching the Tibetan Plateau to the north.

Why are the southern slopes in Himalayan region covered with thick vegetation Mcq?

Explanation: The southern slopes in Himalayan region covered with thick vegetation as compared to northern slopes of the same hills on account of more exposure to sunlight, more precipitation, and less exposure to colder wind.

Why have the western slopes of the Western Ghats covered with thick forests?

Western slopes of Western Ghats are covered with thick forests and not eastern slopes because western slopes lie in windward side and receive heavy rainfall as compared to Eastern Ghats which lie in a rainshadow region. This cool air is less able to hold moisture and it is released as rainfall.

Which type of vegetation zone is found in the higher reaches of the Himalayas?

Explanation: Alpine is the types of vegetation zones are found in the higher reaches of the Himalayas with mean annual average temperature below 7°C.

Why have the southern slopes of the Western Ghats covered with thick forests and not the eastern slopes?