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Which methods is most helpful for revealing cause/effect relationships?

Which methods is most helpful for revealing cause/effect relationships?

A controlled experiment is the only research method that can establish a cause and effect relationship.

Which of the following methods is most helpful for revealing cause and effect relationships between variables?

In which type of research would an investigator manipulate one factor to observe its effect on some behavior or mental process? Which of the following methods is most helpful for revealing cause-effect relationships? naturalistic observation.

Which of the following method is used to discover the cause and effect relationship?

experimental research design
The only method that will establish a cause-and-effect relationship is an experimental research design.

Which research method provides the best way of assessing?

The answer is “the experiment”.

Which school of thought is Sigmund Freud primarily associated with?

Psychoanalytic School of Thought Psychoanalysis
The Psychoanalytic School of Thought Psychoanalysis is a school of psychology founded by Sigmund Freud. This school of thought emphasized the influence of the unconscious mind on behavior.

Which of the following methods allows researchers to study cause-and-effect relationships?

While there are a number of different research techniques, the experimental method allows researchers to look at cause-and-effect relationships.

Which of the following is the best way to find out about cause-and-effect?

The way to show cause and effect is via an experiment. The gold standard is to randomly assign subjects to, say, two groups, a control group and an experimental group.

How can you identify a cause and effect relationship?

To find cause and effect relationships, we look for one event that caused another event. The cause is why the event happens. The effect is what happened. Sam has no cavities is the effect or what happened.

Which research method is best for determining cause and effect?

the experiment
The most powerful research method is the experiment, in which an experimenter manipulates and controls the variables to determine cause and effect.

What research method provides the best assessment of causality?

The only way for a research method to determine causality is through a properly controlled experiment. Although other methods may clarify or…

How are data collection methods used in correlational research?

These data collection methods are used to gather information in correlational research. The 3 methods of data collection in correlational research are naturalistic observation method, archival data method, and the survey method. All of these would be clearly explained in the subsequent paragraphs.

How are researchers engaged in naturalistic observation in psychology?

Researchers engaged in naturalistic observation usually make their observations as unobtrusively as possible so that participants are not aware that they are being studied. Such an approach is called disguised naturalistic observation.

Which is an example of positive correlational research?

Positive correlational research is a research method involving 2 variables that are statistically corresponding where an increase or decrease in 1 variable creates a like change in the other. An example is when an increase in workers’ remuneration results in an increase in the prices of goods and services and vice versa.

How is correlational research used in the real world?

Correlational research observes and measures historical patterns between 2 variables such as the relationship between high-income earners and tax payment. Correlational research may reveal a positive relationship between the aforementioned variables but this may change at any point in the future. Correlational Research is Dynamic