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Which of the following is a test to determine a patients blood type by mixing the patients red blood cells with antibodies?

Which of the following is a test to determine a patients blood type by mixing the patients red blood cells with antibodies?

The test to determine your blood group is called ABO typing. Your blood sample is mixed with antibodies against type A and B blood.

What type of vaccine could possibly cause a person to develop the disease?

Only those immunizations made from weakened (also called attenuated) live viruses — like the chickenpox (varicella) and measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccines — could possibly make a child develop a mild form of the disease.

Which of the following is a test to determine the presence of soluble AB antigens in patient’s saliva?

We can use the Secretor Inhibition Test to determine if Lewis, H, and ABO soluble antigens are present in saliva. How the test works: Antibody of a known specificity is added to the person’s prepared saliva specimen. If soluble antigen is present in the saliva, it will neutralize the antibody.

Which item is from the patient in a indirect Elisa test?

The indirect ELISA is used to quantify antigen-specific antibodies in patient serum for disease diagnosis. Antigen from the suspected disease agent is attached to microtiter plates. The primary antibody comes from the patient’s serum, which is subsequently bound by the enzyme-conjugated secondary antibody.

Which antibodies will be in the serum of a person?

Thus, IgG and IgM antibodies reactive with autologous A and B blood group antigens are present in serum immunoglobulin of healthy individuals.

What is toxoid vaccine?

Toxoid vaccines Toxoid vaccineA vaccine made from a toxin (poison) that has been made harmless but that elicits an immune response against the toxin. are based on the toxin produced by certain bacteria (e.g. tetanus or diphtheria).

What is the difference between secretor and Nonsecretor?

A Secretor is defined as a person who secretes their blood type antigens into body fluids and secretions like the saliva in your mouth, the mucus in your digestive tract and respiratory cavities, etc. A Non-secretor on the other hand puts little to none of their blood type into these same fluids.

Is ELISA qualitative or quantitative?

ELISA may be run in a qualitative or quantitative format. Qualitative results provide a simple positive or negative result for a sample. The cutoff between positive and negative is determined by the analyst and may be statistical.

What is difference between direct and indirect ELISA?

The difference in a direct vs indirect ELISA is in the detection method of the immobilized antigen on an ELISA plate. Direct ELISAs use a conjugated primary antibody, while indirect ELISAs include an additional amplification step. Indirect ELISAs also take longer due to the extra step.