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Which of the following performs its function by converting electrical energy into motion?

Which of the following performs its function by converting electrical energy into motion?

A motor works when an electric current passes through a wire in a magnetic field. The wire turns, and some of the electric energy is turned into kinetic energy.)

What converts electrical energy in motion?

The motor converts electrical energy into sound and motion, so the object it is powering can move.

What are two things that convert motion energy into electrical energy?

Electric generators (mechanical energy to electricity) Windmills (mechanical energy to electricity) Hydroelectric power plants (mechanical energy to electricity)

What is a device that converts light energy into electrical energy?

photovoltaic cell
A photovoltaic cell is a semiconductor device that converts light energy directly to electrical energy. It is known as a solar cell when the light source is sunlight.

Which of the following is a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy?

Electric motor
Electric motor: An electric motor is an electrical device that converts electrical energy to mechanical energy.

Which device converts electric energy to electric current?

Explanation: An electric generator is a device that converts electric energy to electrical energy. A generator forces electrons to flow through an external electrical circuit.

How is energy converted into electricity?

Most of U.S. and world electricity generation is from electric power plants that use a turbine to drive electricity generators. The force of the fluid on the blades spins/rotates the rotor shaft of a generator. The generator, in turn, converts the mechanical (kinetic) energy of the rotor to electrical energy.

How do you convert electrical energy into mechanical energy?

The most common device for changing electrical energy into mechanical energy is the motor. Most motors use electromagnets to cause mechanical rotation, which can do work. Before Nikola Tesla invented the AC (alternating current) induction motor, no motors could change AC into mechanical energy.

Which instrument is used in converting electrical energy into mechanical energy?

How do we convert electrical energy into mechanical energy?

According to the Law of Conservation of Energy, we cannot create or destroy energy, but we can change its form. That means we can transmit energy great distances in its electrical form and, when it arrives at its destination, change it into its mechanical form to do work.

What is the working principle of an electric motor?

Quoted from wikipedia, electric motor is a tool that serves to convert electrical energy into motion energy. These tools include dynamic power tools as they produce motion. The working principle of electric motors is to utilize magnetic pull force.

What kind of energy does an AC motor use?

Most motors use electromagnets to cause mechanical rotation, which can do work. Before Nikola Tesla invented the AC (alternating current) induction motor, no motors could change AC into mechanical energy. The most fundamental element of the AC motor is the electromagnet, a magnet made from electric current.

How does a generator and a motor produce electricity?

Well, a generator produces electricity by rotating a coil in a stationary magnetic field, and in a motor, a current is passed through a coil, which forces it to spin.