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Which of the following would be used to grasp fallopian tubes?

Which of the following would be used to grasp fallopian tubes?

(A Babcock clamp is classified as a grasping instrument. It is used to grasp the midportion of the fallopian tube as sutures are placed on either side of the clamp before removal.)

Which instrument used to hold the fallopian tube?

The surgeon will put a narrow tube with a light and a camera on the end into your abdomen. This tube is called a laparoscope. Your surgeon will use long, thin instruments put through the laparoscope or through another tiny cut to find and grab hold of the fallopian tubes.

What are Bonney forceps used for?

Bonney Forceps: Heavy forceps used for holding thick tissue (e.g., fascial closure). DeBakey Forceps: Used for atraumatic tissue grasping during dissection.

What is Vulsellum forceps?

Vulsellum forceps have hooks at the tip of each blade and are often used in obstetrics and gynecology procedures. These specialty forceps come in a variety of styles, both straight and curved. Vulsellum forceps are cervix or uterus during procedures such as episiotomy, hysterectomy, or dilation & curettage.

Which forceps is used to handle delicate tissues and organs like the ovaries?

DeBakey forceps are used to grasp delicate tissue, particularly in cardiovascular surgery.

What are the instruments used in gynecology?

Gynaecology instruments include:

  • Forceps & Clamps – For uterine and caesarian birthing, hysterectomy and other obstetrics and gynae surgery.
  • Cervical Dilators – For stretching the cervical wall and dilating the cervical muscles.
  • Vaginal Speculums – Used in procedures such as the papsmear.

Which instrument is used to grasp the cervix and provide traction during cervical dilation?

(15) A uterine tenaculum is a hooklike instrument used to seize and hold the cervix or fundus.

What is bayonet forceps?

Bayonet dressing forceps are used to remove sterile dressing and have serrated edges for better grasp. Bayonet forceps for ear and nose are either serrated or smooth. These are used to examine, grasp or extract tissues and foreign materials from within the ear and nasal cavities.

What is Babcock tissue forceps?

Babcock Forceps are finger ring, ratcheted, non-perforating forceps used to grasp delicate tissue. They are frequently used with intestinal and laparotomy procedures. Babcock Forceps are similar to Allis forceps; however, may be considered less traumatic due to their wider, rounded grasping surface.

What is Kelly forceps?

Kelly forceps (also known as Mosquito or Rochester forceps) are a type of hemostat usually made of stainless steel. They resemble a pair of scissors with the blade replaced by a blunted grip. They also feature a locking mechanism to allow them to act as clamps.

Where is the Silastic ring located in the fallopian tube?

The fallopian tube is gently drawn into the inner cylinder of the instrument, forming a knuckle. The Silastic Ring located on the inner cylinder is released onto the knuckle, occluding the base. This procedure is repeated on the second fallopian tube.

How are the fallopian ring applicators used in surgery?

Fallopian Ring Applicator The Silastic Ring Applicators are made for single or dual ring application with one single insertion. The instruments are available in three different lengths for use through the operating scope (single puncture approach) or through trocar sleeve in conjunction with a laparoscope (multi-puncture approach). 52

How is the Allis forceps used in surgery?

However it can be used to hold the delicate tissue which has to be removed during a surgical procedure. Surgical Procedures: The instrument is useful in many gynecological procedures.

What kind of applicator is used for tubal ligation?

Fallopian Ring Applicator for Tubal Ligation is used for applying silastic bands to fallopian tubes in laparoscopic tubal ligation. • The tube is used identified and grasped in ampullary region by opening prongs. • The prongs are pulled inside sheath and then the loaded ring is pushed over tube.–P0