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Which president gave the longest inaugural speech How long was it?

Which president gave the longest inaugural speech How long was it?

William Henry Harrison delivered the longest Inaugural address, at 8,445 words, on March 4, 1841—a bitterly cold, wet day. He died one month later of pneumonia, believed to have been brought on by prolonged exposure to the elements on his Inauguration Day.

How long was William Henry Harrison president?

March 4, 1841 – April 4, 1841
William Henry Harrison/Presidential terms

Who gave the longest inauguration speech and also served the shortest term as president?

William Henry Harrison, an American military officer and politician, was the ninth President of the United States (1841), the oldest President to be elected at the time. On his 32nd day, he became the first to die in office, serving the shortest tenure in U.S. Presidential history.

Which president gave the shortest inauguration speech?

George Washington’s second inaugural address remains the shortest ever delivered, at just 135 words.

What president got sick at inauguration?

On March 26, Harrison developed a cold. According to the prevailing medical misconception of that time, it was believed that his illness was directly caused by the bad weather at his inauguration; however, Harrison’s illness did not arise until more than three weeks after the event.

Who is the tallest president in history?

Abraham Lincoln at 6 ft 4 in (193 cm) surmounts Lyndon B. Johnson as the tallest president. James Madison, the shortest president, was 5 ft 4 in (163 cm).

Which U.S. president died on the toilet?

On July 9, 1850, after only 16 months in office, President Zachary Taylor dies after a brief illness.

Which U.S. president killed himself?

Zachary Taylor
Born November 24, 1784 Barboursville, Virginia, U.S.
Died July 9, 1850 (aged 65) Washington, D.C., U.S.
Cause of death Stomach disease
Resting place Zachary Taylor National Cemetery

Who has the longest inauguration speech?

Harrison delivered the longest inaugural address to date, running 8,445 words.

Which president was the first inauguration filmed?

President McKinley Inauguration Footage
Starring William McKinley
Release date March 16, 1901
Country United States
Language Silent