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Which problem is caused due to deficiency of pituitary gland?

Which problem is caused due to deficiency of pituitary gland?

Hypopituitarism is an underactive pituitary gland that results in deficiency of one or more pituitary hormones. Symptoms of hypopituitarism depend on what hormone is deficient and may include short height, infertility, intolerance to cold, fatigue, and an inability to produce breast milk.

What hormones would be affected if the anterior pituitary gland is damaged?

Any damage to the pituitary stalk due to trauma can result in low production of ACTH, TSH, FSH, LH, and GH but can cause increased production of PRL due to the absence of tonic inhibitory effect of dopamine on prolactin.

Is a problem with hormones from the anterior pituitary?

Hypopituitarism, also called an underactive pituitary gland, is a condition that affects the anterior (front) lobe of the pituitary gland – usually resulting in a partial or complete loss of functioning of that lobe. The resulting symptoms depend on which hormones are no longer being produced by the gland.

Which disease is caused by pituitary gland?

Acromegaly is caused by a pituitary tumor that produces excess growth hormone (GH). It most commonly affects middle-aged adults and can result in serious illnesses or premature death. If the disease develops before a person has stopped growing, it causes gigantism since too much GH promotes growth of bones in the body.

What is GHD disease?

Growth hormone deficiency (GHD), also known as dwarfism or pituitary dwarfism, is a condition caused by insufficient amounts of growth hormone in the body. Children with GHD have abnormally short stature with normal body proportions. GHD can be present at birth (congenital) or develop later (acquired).

What are the causes of acromegaly?

Causes of acromegaly Acromegaly happens because your pituitary gland (a pea-sized gland just below the brain) produces too much growth hormone. This is usually caused by a non-cancerous tumour in the pituitary gland called an adenoma.

What is Sheehan syndrome?

Sheehan’s syndrome is a condition that affects women who lose a life-threatening amount of blood in childbirth or who have severe low blood pressure during or after childbirth, which can deprive the body of oxygen. This lack of oxygen that causes damage to the pituitary gland is known as Sheehan’s syndrome.

Which of the following diseases is a disorder of the posterior pituitary?

This is a condition known as diabetes insipidus or DI. Too much ADH leads to excessive retention of water by the body and low sodium levels (syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion or SIADH).

What is anterior pituitary gland?

A major organ of the endocrine system, the anterior pituitary (also called the adenohypophysis) is the glandular, anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. The anterior pituitary regulates several physiological processes including stress, growth, reproduction, and lactation.

What happens when pituitary gland malfunctions?

For example, if the pituitary gland does not produce enough growth hormone in a child, they may have a permanently short stature. If it doesn’t produce enough follicle-stimulating hormone or luteinizing hormone, it might cause problems with sexual function, menstruation, and fertility.

What is Simmonds syndrome?

Simmonds’ disease may be defined as a clinical state, most common in women, characterized by progressive, extreme emaciation, premature aging, wrinkling of the facial skin, loss of pubic and axillary hair, dental caries and loss of libido and sexual function, accompanied by a depression of the basal metabolic rate.

What is Hypopituitary?

Hypopituitarism is a rare disorder in which your pituitary gland fails to produce one or more hormones, or doesn’t produce enough hormones. The pituitary gland is a kidney-bean-sized gland situated at the base of your brain.