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Which solutes move the fastest?

Which solutes move the fastest?

sodium chloride is the answer.

Can glucose diffuse through a 100 Mwco membrane?

Refer to Activity 1. Which solute(s) passed through the 100 MWCO membrane? None of the solutes affected the diffusion rate of glucose.

Which of the following will be able to diffuse through the 200 Mwco of membrane?

Glucose molecules were able to diffuse through the 200 MWCO membrane, but albumin could not. 4. Put the following in order from smallest to largest molecular weight: glucose, sodium chloride, albumin, and urea.

Did any solutes move through the 20 Mwco membrane?

The solution is hypotonic. Activity 1: In this activity, the solutes were transported through the dialysis membrane by _______. Did any solutes move through the 20 MWCO membrane? no, The size of the molecules is greater than 20 MWCO.

What molecules move simple diffusion?

Oxygen and carbon dioxide and most lipids enter and leave cells by simple diffusion.

Where does simple diffusion occur?

cell membrane
Simple passive diffusion occurs when small molecules pass through the lipid bilayer of a cell membrane. Facilitated diffusion depends on carrier proteins imbedded in the membrane to allow specific substances to pass through, that might not be able to diffuse through the cell membrane.

What variable increased the rate of facilitated diffusion of glucose?

What variable(s) increased the rate of facilitated diffusion of glucose? Your answer: increasing the number of membrane carriers. Correct answer: increasing the concentration of glucose and increasing the number of membrane carriers.

How does increasing the number of protein carriers affect the diffusion rate of glucose?

The rate of facilitated diffusion increased when the number of carriers was increased. 3. Equilibrium was not reached with 100 membrane carriers and 10 mM glucose because the carriers became saturated and unable to move the glucose across the membrane fast enough.

Which solute did not appear in the filtrate using the 200 Mwco membrane?

Urea was not able to diffuse through the 20 MWCO membrane because of the size of the molecule.

Why was there not 100 Recovery of the nacl solute with any of the membranes?

Why was there not 100% recovery of the Na+ Cl- solute with any of the membranes? Some of the solute remained on the membrane filter.

Which solute displayed the highest rate of diffusion through the 200 Mwco membrane?

The glucose has a much smaller MW than albumin, therefore it was able to diffuse through the 200 MWCO membrane.

Are solutes transported by simple diffusion permeable or impermeable to the plasma membrane?

You might think that solutes will flow into our out of the cell until the solute concentrations are equal across the membrane. However, not all molecules can pass through the cell membrane. The plasma membrane (lipid bilayer) is significantly less permeable to most solutes than it is to water.