Which star is hotter Mira or the Sun?
Mira is cooler and redder but intrinsically brighter than the Sun. Mira is hotter and bluer but intrinsically fainter than the Sun.
Is a blue star hotter than a yellow star?
Blue stars are hotter than yellow stars, which are hotter than red stars. A hot star like Sirius, with a surface temperature of about 9,400 K emits more blue light than red light, so it looks brighter through a blue filter than through a red filter.
Could there be a green sun?
The Sun can sometimes appear as a green spot for a second or two as it is rising or setting: this is known as green flash. Roughly speaking, the red light from the Sun is blocked by Earth, the blue light is scattered by the atmosphere, and the green light is refracted by the atmosphere to the observer.
Is anything hotter than fire?
While lava can be as hot as 2200 F, some flames can be much hotter, such as 3600 F or more, while a candle flame can be as low as 1800 F. Lava is hotter than a typical wood or coal-buring fire, but some flames, such as that of an acetylene torch, is hotter than lava.
Is anything on earth hotter than the Sun?
Originally Answered: What is hotter than the Sun on Earth? Nothing on Earth is as hot as the core of the Sun, though as Craig pointed out, there are several examples of hotter things created by mankind. Many things are as hot as the surface of the Sun, however, including lightning and the core of the Earth.
Which color star is likely to be the hottest?
The star color indicates the hottest star surface temperature is blue. The reason is that in the visible light spectrum blue has the smallest wavelength and highest frequency which means that in the visible spectrum blue needs the most amount of energy to create.
Which color star has the lowest surface temperature?
The temperature of a star refers to its surface and that is what determines its color. The lowest temperature stars are red while the hottest stars are blue. Astronomers are able to measure the temperatures of the surfaces of stars by comparing their spectra to the spectrum of a black body.
What color do the hottest stars appear to be?
Some of the hottest stars in the Universe are blue giant stars. You see, the color of a star is defined by its temperature; the coolest stars are red, while the hottest ones appear blue.
Which color stars have the coolest surface temperature?
As you probably know, the color of a star depends on the temperature of its surface. The coolest stars are red, and have a surface temperature of less than 3,500 Kelvin. The hottest stars are blue,…