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Which term means an incision into the intestines?

Which term means an incision into the intestines?

noun. gas·​trot·​o·​my | \ ga-ˈsträt-ə-mē \

What is the medical term for a surgical incision into the abdomen?

A laparotomy is a surgical procedure involving small incisions through the abdominal wall to gain access into the abdominal cavity. It is also known as a celiotomy.

What is the technical term for making a surgical incision into the small intestines?

gastroenterostomy (gastr/o/enter/ostomy) is the surgical creation of an opening between the stomach and the intestines.

What is the medical term for incision?

Medical Definition of incision 1 : a cut or wound of body tissue made especially in surgery. 2 : an act of incising something the surgeon’s incision of the tissues.

What does the medical term Gastrotomy mean?

surgical incision into the stomach.

What is abdominal incision?

An abdominal incision is a cut made through your skin on the belly to expose the abdominal organs or to facilitate an operation or a procedure. Incisions or cuts on your belly are mostly made during an emergency or a planned surgery.

What is the medical term for surgical repair?

✹ Ten/o/plasty. ✹ Tendin/o/plasty. ✹ Inflammation of the. tendons: ✹ Tendon/itis.

Which term means surgical incision into a muscle?

Fasciotomy: Surgical cutting into muscle fascia.

What is the medical term meaning surgical incision into the stomach?

A gastrotomy (gas-TROT-oh-mee) is a surgical incision into the stomach… Q: What is the medical term meaning surgical incision into the stomach?

What do you call an opening in the stomach?

opening by cutting; if a person must be fed through a tube directly into the stomach, the opening would be called a gastrostomy. gastroduodenostomy. forming a new surgical opening between the stomach and duodenum.

What kind of incision is a choledocholithotomy?

A choledocholithotomy is an incision in the common bile duct for the removal of gallstones. James Ridgeview was diagnosed as having ______, which is the partial or complete blockage of the small or large intestine. Chang Hoon suffers from ____.