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Which term means surgical fixation of the colon?

Which term means surgical fixation of the colon?

Col/o/pexy: Surgical fixation of the colon.

What combining form means colon?

col/o, colon/o. combining forms that mean colon/large intestine.

Which medical term means incision of?

The suffix -otomy means “surgical cutting into,” or a surgical incision. In order, then, to perform a tracheostomy (the surgical creation of an opening in the trachea), a tracheotomy (the surgical incision into the trachea) must be performed.

What is the meaning of this Greek root osteo?

Osteo- (prefix): Combining form meaning bone. From the Greek “osteon”, bone. Appears for instance in osteoarthritis, osteochondroma osteodystrophy, osteogenesis, osteomyelitis, osteopathy, osteopetrosis, osteoporosis, osteosarcoma, etc.

What is the meaning of the combining form in the term Onychomalacia?

The combining form cyan/o means: blue. Softening of the nail is called: onychomalacia.

What does fixation mean in medical terms?

[fik-sa´shun] 1. the act or operation of holding, suturing, or fastening in a fixed position. 2. the condition of being held in a fixed position.

What is surgical fixation in medical terms?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Fixation in orthopedics is the process by which an injury is rendered immobile.

What is the definition of the word fixation?

The act or process of fixing or fixating: the fixation of nitrogen by bacteria. 2. An obsessive preoccupation. 3. Psychology A strong attachment to a person or thing, manifested in an immature or pathological way. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

Which is the best definition of fixation in psychiatry?

2. the condition of being held in a fixed position. 3. in psychiatry: (a) arrest of development at a particular stage, or (b) a close suffocating attachment to another person, especially a childhood figure, such as a parent.

What is the medical dictionary definition of colopexy?

(kol’ō-pek’sē), Attachment of a portion of the colon to the abdominal wall. [colo- + G. pēxis, fixation] Attachment of a portion of the colon to the abdominal wall. [colo- + G. pēxis, fixation] surgical fixation or suspension of the colon, usually to the dorsolateral abdominal wall to prevent recurring rectal prolapse.

Which is the correct definition of complement fixation?

7. in film processing, the chemical removal of all unexposed and undeveloped silver compounds of the film emulsion, as on x-ray films. complement fixation see complement fixation. intermaxillary fixation (IMF) a technique used to stabilize a fractured jaw; the teeth are wired or banded together.