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Which were the original 13 colonies?

Which were the original 13 colonies?

Over the next century, the English established 13 colonies. They were Virginia, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.

Which states were not part of the original 13 colonies?

Although Vermont and Maine are in the area, they were not part of the original thirteen. Vermont became a state in 1791, but Maine was part of Massachusetts and did not become a state until the Compromise of 1820 led to its admission.

What are the 13 colonies in order by date?

Each link will send you to a short history further down the page.

  • Virginia/Jamestown: 1607.
  • Massachusetts: 1620.
  • New Hampshire: 1623.
  • Maryland: 1632-1634.
  • Connecticut: 1636.
  • Rhode Island: 1636.
  • Delaware: 1638.
  • North Carolina: 1663.

Which of the 13 colonies was the first to become a state?

American Revolution After the war ended, the U.S. Constitution formed a new government. These thirteen colonies became the first 13 states as each ratified the Constitution. The first state to ratify the Constitution was Delaware on December 7, 1787.

What 13 colonies were founded by 1732?

Original thirteen states

State Year Colony Founded Year of Statehood
Delaware 1631 1787
Georgia 1732 1788
Maryland 1634 1788
Massachusetts 1620 1788

Which of the following was not one of America’s original 13 colonies?

Vermont was NOT one of the original 13 colonies. The United States of America initially consisted of 13 states that had been British colonies until their independence was declared in 1776.

What is the 14th state?

Vermont was finally admitted to the union as the 14th state in 1790, after 14 years as an independentrepublic.

What is the 1st colony?

The first colony was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607. Many of the people who settled in the New World came to escape religious persecution. The Pilgrims, founders of Plymouth, Massachusetts, arrived in 1620. In both Virginia and Massachusetts, the colonists flourished with some assistance from Native Americans.

What were many of the original 13 colonies named after?

Many of the colonies were named after the rulers of England including the Carolinas (for King Charles I), Virginia (for the Virgin Queen Elizabeth), and Georgia (for King George II). Massachusetts was named after a local tribe of Native Americans.

What are the thirteen original states?

The United States of America initially consisted of 13 states that had been British colonies until their independence was declared in 1776 and verified by the Treaty of Paris in 1783: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware.