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Which word best completes the following sentence the players role is his or her blank in the game?

Which word best completes the following sentence the players role is his or her blank in the game?

No matter how much is produced, people will always want more.

Which of the following best explains why players in the game of economics?

Which best explains why players in the game of economics are often in conflict with each other? Some economic goals are incompatible with each other. Which question must be asked about the use of resources in an economic system? Which is another term for a planned economy?

Which of the following best explains why resources need to be allocated in the game of economics?

Which best explains why resources need to be allocated in the game of economics? There are not enough resources to produce all of the goods and services that everyone wants.

Which question must be asked about the use of resources in an economic system?

the answer is: What is the most effective allocation?

Which of the following groups of players make all of the economic decisions in a free-market system?

A command economy is where a central government makes all economic decisions. Either the government or a collective owns the land and the means of production. It doesn’t rely on the laws of supply and demand that operate in a market economy.

Which of the following best explains why the game of economics does not have a single goal?

The statement that best explains why the game of economics does not have a single goal is “Different people want different things out of life.

Which of the following best explains why the profit motive?

Answer:The desire to make money through goods and services.

Which of the following best describes economists rational decision making?

microeconomics. all decisions and actions have a cost associated with them. Which of the following best describes economist’s rational decision making? Improving net gain by making decisions so that marginal benefits exceed marginal costs.

Who are the most important players in a market economy?

A market economy is an economic system in which individuals own most of the resources – land, labor, and capital – and control their use through voluntary decisions made in the marketplace. It is a system in which the government plays a small role.

Which is the correct way to write a sentence?

Two or more complete sentences must be separated with a period and written as separate thoughts. The subject and verb in the sentence must be either both plural or both singular. Otherwise, it would be the wrong subject-verb agreement. It is important to keep parallel structure throughout your sentence.

Which is the correct sentence hard working or expert?

For example, “He is an expert in his sphere, professional with many years of experience, and hard-working” would be wrong, as “hard-working” is an adjective and won’t be consistent with the rest of the list.

Which is the best grammar checker for word?

Correct Sentence Grammar Checker. Many people rely on the checker provided by Microsoft Word, but this program is notoriously unreliable in catching all mistakes and is known for making suggestions that are simply incorrect. Grammatically correct sentence checker online and punctuation corrector are the best option available on the web at

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