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Which word is closest to unbreakable?

Which word is closest to unbreakable?

Synonyms & Antonyms of unbreakable

  • durable,
  • enduring,
  • everlasting,
  • lasting,
  • permanent.

What is root word of unbreakable?

The word indestructible comes from Latin roots, the prefix in, or “not,” and destruere, “tear down or demolish” or literally “un-build.”

How do you describe unbreakable?

unbreakable Add to list Share. Something that can’t be shattered, cracked, or easily destroyed is unbreakable. If your new cellphone is truly unbreakable, it will hold up no matter how many times you drop it on the floor.

What does it mean to call someone unbreakable?

: not able to be broken : not breakable.

What shatterproof means?

adjective. designed or made to resist shattering: shatterproof glass in automobile windows.

What is the meaning of lasting unbreakable?

adjective durable, indestructible, shatterproof, lasting, strong, solid, resistant, rugged, armoured, toughened, nonbreakable, infrangible Tableware for outdoor use should ideally be unbreakable.

What is the suffix of the word indestructible?

The Romans and the Greeks came up with a system of combining word parts to make other words. The prefixes in- and de- and un- and con- appear in the words indestructible and unconvincingly, and the suffixes -ible and -ing and -ly in the words indestructible and unconvincingly.

What is Infrangible mean?

infrangible • \in-FRAN-juh-bul\ • adjective. 1 : not capable of being broken or separated into parts 2 : not to be infringed or violated.

What do you mean by indestructible?

: incapable of being destroyed, ruined, or rendered ineffective.

What does the word immortal?

not mortal; not liable or subject to death; undying: our immortal souls. remembered or celebrated through all time: the immortal words of Lincoln. not liable to perish or decay; imperishable; everlasting. perpetual; lasting; constant: an immortal enemy.

What does effusiveness mean?

1 : marked by the expression of great or excessive emotion or enthusiasm effusive praise. 2 archaic : pouring freely.

Is Indestructible an ability?

Indestructible (Damage and effects that say “destroy” don’t destroy this.) Indestructible is an evergreen keyword ability. Indestructible permanents can’t be destroyed by rules or effects.