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Who did Aphrodite mate with?

Who did Aphrodite mate with?

Consort Hephaestus
Children With Ares: Eros, Phobos, Deimos, Harmonia, Pothos, Anteros, Himeros, With Hermes: Hermaphroditus, With Poseidon: Rhodos, Eryx, With Dionysus: Peitho, The Graces, Priapus, With Anchises: Aeneas
Roman equivalent Venus

Who did Aphrodite have a crush on?

Aphrodite also had notable mortal lovers, including Adonis and Anchises. Adonis was a handsome young man and Aphrodite fell deeply in love with him. Persephone was also in love with Adonis, so they went to Zeus to decide which one would have the youth’s love [see Persephone]. Zeus split the time into three parts.

What mortals did Aphrodite sleep with?

Of Aphrodite’s mortal lovers, the most important were the Trojan shepherd Anchises, by whom she became the mother of Aeneas, and the handsome youth Adonis (in origin a Semitic nature deity and the consort of Ishtar-Astarte), who was killed by a boar while hunting and was lamented by women at the festival of Adonia.

Who are the enemies and Friends of Aphrodite?

Her enemies are Athena, Hestia, Artemis, Hephaestus, Helios and Hera. Hera and Hephaestus are perhaps Aphrodite’s foremost enemies, since Hera arranged Aphrodite’s marriage to Hephaestus, the ugliest of the gods, against her will. The Graces are perhaps her best-known friends, as Aphrodite treasured their beauty.

Who was Aphrodite married to in Greek mythology?

Although she was paired with half of the male Olympians only the story of her marriage to Hephaistos and adulterous affair with the god Ares was elaborated upon in any detail. The rest were, for the most part, simply genealogical pairings. In classical art and literature Aphrodite was almost always portrayed as the consort of Ares.

How did Aphrodite get Hermes to mate with her?

Aphrodite, however, convinced him that she was the mortal daughter of the king Otreas of Phrygia and she was brought by the swift-footed Hermes to mate with him. Anchises could no longer resist the erotic passion that was conquering him and mated with the goddess in his hut’s bed.

Who are the victims of the Greek goddess Aphrodite?

The only ones that could not fool over at Olympus were the goddesses of eternal virginity, Athena, Artemis and Hestia. Aphrodite’s largest victim was Zeus, whom she often threw into the arms of one or other of mortals thus causing the uncontrollable hatred of Hera.