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Who established Sandhya Patrika?

Who established Sandhya Patrika?

Newspaper Journals

Newspaper/Journal Founder/Editor
Sandhya B.B.Upadhyaya
Vichar Lahiri Krishnashastri Chiplunkar
Hindu Patriot Girish Chandra Ghosh (later Harish Chandra Mukherji)
Som Prakash Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar

Who is the chairman of sandhya Patrika?

Brahmabandhab Upadhyay was born as Bhavani Charan Bandyopadhyay in a Kulin Brahmin family.

Who is the editor of Sandhya newspaper?

Arindam Dey
The Photo Editor and Manager of Syandan Patrika is Arindam Dey, son of Subal Kumar Dey.

Who started Yugantar?

Barindra Kumar Ghosh
Jugantar Patrika (Bengali: যুগান্তর) was a Bengali revolutionary newspaper founded in 1906 in Calcutta by Barindra Kumar Ghosh, Abhinash Bhattacharya and Bhupendranath Dutt.

Who wrote bengalee?

History. The Bengalee was founded in 1862 by Girish Chandra Ghosh as an English language newspaper based in Kolkata. The newspaper had a nationalist editorial stand. Surendranath Banerjee served as its editor.

Who started Sudharak magazine?

Gopal Ganesh Agarkar
It was founded in 1888 by Gopal Ganesh Agarkar, who had previously edited Kesari. The Newspaper was an Anglo-Marathi-language work and was published in the city of Pune in the present day Indian state of Maharashtra.

Who wrote Yugantar?

Jugantar Patrika (Bengali: যুগান্তর) was a Bengali revolutionary newspaper founded in 1906 in Calcutta by Barindra Kumar Ghosh, Abhinash Bhattacharya and Bhupendranath Dutt.

Who started Yugantar newspaper?

Who was the first editor of Yugantar Patrika?

Who started Anushilan Samiti?

Satish Chandra Basu
Anushilan Samiti/Founders
Origins. By 1902, Kolkata (formerly Calcutta) had three secret societies working toward the violent overthrow of British rule in India: one founded by Calcutta student Satish Chandra Basu with the patronage of Calcutta barrister Pramatha Mitra, another led by Sarala Devi, and the third founded by Aurobindo Ghose.

Who edited the Yugantar Weekly 1906?

Bhupendranath Dutt served as the editor of the newspaper till his arrest in 1907, although it also published articles from a number of noted Bengali revolutionaries including Barindra Kumar Ghosh and Aurobindo Ghosh.

Who had started jugantar?

The beginning. The jugantar party was established by leaders like Aurobindo Ghosh, his brother Barin Ghosh, Bhupendranath Datta, Raja Subodh Mallik in April 1906. Barin Ghosh and Bagha Jatin were the main leaders. Along with 21 revolutionaries, they started to collect arms, explosives and manufactured bombs.