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Who is Apanui Ringamutu?
Apanui Ringamutu: Te Whānau-ā-Apanui is named after the 17th-century ancestor, Apanui Ringamutu. (He was also known by the Ngāti Awa people as Apanui Te Haua and Apanui Te Kuti.) The tribe was named after him because of his ancestry and prestige.
What iwi is Te Whanau a Apanui?
Maori iwi
A Maori iwi from the east of the North Island of New Zealand. Their traditional lands extend along the East Coast from Te Taumata-ō-Apanui to Pōtaka.
Where is te whanau a apanui?
Territory. Te Whānau-ā-Apanui’s tribal territory is a strip of the East Coast from Te Taumata-ō-Apanui to Pōtaka. Whakaari (White Island) and the mountain Whanokao remain significant to the people.
Who is Rikirangi Gage?
Rikirangi is of Te Whānau -a-Apanui descent. Rikirangi is currently the Chief Executive Officer for Te Rūnanga o Te Whānau. He has a wealth of experience in the marine environment.
What does whanau mean in New Zealand?
Whānau is often translated as ‘family’, but its meaning is more complex. It includes physical, emotional and spiritual dimensions and is based on whakapapa. Whānau is based on a Māori and a tribal world view.
Is Te Reo Capitalised?
The Māori language may be referred to as ‘te reo Māori’ or just ‘te reo’ – ‘te reo’ is lowercase.
What is te ao Māori principles?
The Māori world view (te ao Māori) acknowledges the interconnectedness and interrelationship of all living & non-living things. The Māori world view (te ao Māori) acknowledges the interconnectedness and interrelationship of all living and non-living things.
What are te ao Māori principles?
We aim to reflect the Treaty principles of partnership, protection, and participation within the core tenants of our strategy. Through our Te Ao Māori strategy, launched in 2018, we are building understanding and embracing our history and heritage.
How many Māori can speak te reo?
46 Overall, 50,000 adults (11 percent) could speak te reo Māori very well or well, 12 percent could speak fairly well, and 32 percent could talk about simple/basic things in te reo. The remaining 45 percent could speak no more than a few words or phrases.
When was te reo banned?
Māori was made an official language of New Zealand under the Maori Language Act 1987. There are now many institutions, most set up since the 1980s, working to recover te reo. Even so, the decline of the Māori language has only just been arrested.
Who is te ao?
Light and dark. Day and night were called Te Ao (light) and Te Pō (darkness). Māori linked light with peace and understanding, and darkness with conflict and confusion. The rising and setting of the sun also symbolised the cycle of birth and death.
What does Te Whanau a Apanui do in New Zealand?
Recognised iwi organisation in the Māori Fisheries Act 2004. Represents Te Whānau a Apanui as an “iwi authority” for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991. Te Runanga directs resource issue enquiries to be dealt with by the appropriate affected hapu.
Who are the leading men of the Maori tribe?
Leading men : Haora Tipa, Te Taniwha Kitahi, Ropata to Arakai, Ngakapa W., Taraia, Te Hirakake, Te Moananui. Number: 1,198. Partly friendly, partly hostile.
Who is Te Whanau a Apanui for Resource Management Act 1991?
Represents Te Whānau a Apanui as an “iwi authority” for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991. Te Runanga directs resource issue enquiries to be dealt with by the appropriate affected hapu. Tūhono organisation.
Who are the leaders of the Rangiriri rebellion?
Leading men: Rewi Maniapoto, Tikaokao, Te Tapihana Tiriwa (taken prisoner at Rangiriri). These three chiefs are and have been active and resolute opponents of the Government. Number: 1,293.