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Who is the first character in seedfolks?

Who is the first character in seedfolks?

The first character we meet is Kim, a young Vietnamese girl who decides to start a garden in a vacant lot as a memorial to her father. Kim’s neighbors include Ana, Wendell, Gonzalo, Leona, Sae Young, Curtis, Lateesha, Royce, Penny, Marciela, Sam, Amir, Florence, and Virgil.

How many characters are in the book seedfolks?

There are thirteen characters in the book Seedfolks by Paul Folkman.

Is Wendell a boy or girl in seedfolks?

Wendell is an older white man and one of the novel’s narrators. He works as a janitor at a local school. Wendell is unhappy and cantankerous, as in the few years before the novel begins, he lost his son to a shootout and his wife to a car accident.

Is Sam White in seedfolks?

Sam is an elderly white man and one of the novel’s narrators. He’s retired after spending more than 30 years promoting pacifism and international cooperation in the nonprofit sector.

Who is Mr Myles in Seedfolks?

Mr. Myles is Nora’s patient. An elderly Black man, Mr. Myles lost his ability to speak after his second stroke and now requires home health nurses, like Nora, to care for him.

What did each character plant in Seedfolks?

Leona plants golden rod; Sam, pumpkins; Virgil, lettuce; Sae Young, hot peppers. Curtis plants tomatoes, while Nora, something of a dreamer, plants less practical things: hollyhocks, poppies, and snapdragons.

Where is Anna from in Seedfolks?

Ana is an elderly white woman and one of the novel’s narrators; she came to Cleveland from Romania as a small child. She spent years working as a typist at the local police department, and this experience has taught her to assume that all children in the neighborhood are involved in illicit activities.

Who is Mr Myles in seedfolks?

What race is Curtis from seedfolks?

He’s a twenty-eight year old African-American guy and he’s got one heck of a plan to get back together with his ex-girlfriend, Lateesha. See, Curtis wasn’t always the super thoughtful guy he is now.

Where are the characters in seedfolks from?

They all live in the same physical zip code, yet many of them have roots from other parts of the world. Virgil is from Haiti, Ana’s parents are Ukrainian, Kim is from Vietnam, Amir is Indian, and Maricela is Mexican. Nora is British, Sae Young is Korean, Leona is African American, and Gonzalo is from Guatemala.

Who is Nora and Mr Myles?

Nora is a British nurse and one of the novel’s narrators; she cares for Mr. Myles as his home health nurse.

Where does the story Seedfolks take place in the book?

Seedfolks Summary In Seedfolks, a group of residents of the Gibb Street area of Cleveland, Ohio, join forces to turn a vacant lot into a vibrant community garden. Kim, a nine-year-old immigrant from Vietnam, unknowingly starts the garden when she plants a few lima beans in memory of her deceased father, who was a farmer.

Who is Kim from the book Seedfolks?

In Seedfolks, a group of residents of the Gibb Street area of Cleveland, Ohio, join forces to turn a vacant lot into a vibrant community garden. Kim, a nine-year-old immigrant from Vietnam, unknowingly starts the garden when she plants a few lima beans in memory of her deceased father, who was a farmer.

Who is Leona in the book Seedfolks?

Leona is a middle-aged Black woman and one of the novel’s narrators. She’s the person responsible for getting the garbage cleared from the vacant lot.

What did Seedfolks do to improve the neighborhood?

They also overcome their own stereotypes and the division of the garden along lines of race and national origin, eventually creating a beloved community space that unites and improves the neighborhood. Quizzes – Test Yourself!