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Who is Tom from breathing underwater?

Who is Tom from breathing underwater?

Tom Carter is Nick’s best friend from childhood. He’s the golden boy of their town, and Nick has often gone to his house to escape his abusive father—though he conceals this abuse from Tom. When Nick beats up Caitlin, Tom is the one who intervenes, and after this incident, he stops being friends with Nick.

What is Nick’s last name in breathing underwater?

Nick Andreas is the main character of Breathing Underwater, a sixteen year old with issues who’s in an anger management class after being found guilty of abusing his girlfriend. Throughout the novel it’s shown how he met Caitlin and how he is doing after the fallout.

Is breathing underwater a movie?

A story of haenyeos or women of the sea who have to hold their breath to survive and of mulsum (breathing underwater), that represents a desire and temptation that could not be contained. 7 years of exclusive filming reveals a closed community of haenyeos and their lives.

What happens at the end of breathing underwater?

Mario eventually reenters the room and tells Nick that Leo killed Neysa and then committed suicide. Nick is horrified and sprints out the door, disgusted by the terrible realization that the same thing could have easily happened with him and Caitlin.

What happened to Nick’s mom in Breathing Underwater?

His mother abandoned them when Nick was a baby. Adults Are Useless: At least, some family members are. Leo gets to drop the anger management class after he bribes his girlfriend’s family to get her to drop the charges. It ends with both of them getting killed.

Why did Nick grab Caitlin’s arm in the parking lot?

When Mario confronts Nick about why he has to take the class, Nick admits that he slapped Caitlyn because they were arguing. He tells Mario that his life has been ruined because of this misunderstanding.

Why is Nick jealous of Tom in breathing underwater?

Nick alludes to being jealous of Tom’s relationship with his parents; Nick’s relationship with his own father is strained. In fact, Nick’s father sells Nick’s car without telling him, even though it had been given to him as a birthday present. At school, Nick is treated like a pariah.

Who is the author of the book Breathing Underwater?

A lex Flinn’s 2001 novel Breathing Underwater examines the issue of domestic abuse through Nick Andreas, an abused teenage boy who in turn abuses his girlfriend. Breathing Underwater opens with Nick being court ordered to attend therapy and complete mandatory journaling after beating his ex-girlfriend Caitlin.

Who are the main characters in breathing underwater?

The novel opens as Nick Andreas, the sixteen-year-old protagonist, is in court for beating up his girlfriend, Caitlin McCourt. During the hearing, Nick is dismissive of Caitlin’s claims, saying she invented them to get back at him for breaking up with her. The judge sees through his lies and orders him to go to therapy and begin journaling.

Why did Caitlin call Nick a hero in breathing underwater?

After party crashers attempted to trash the house and Caitlin spoke up, Nick violently defended her as things escalated. She called him her hero. In family violence class, Mario explains that isolating someone from friends or family is controlling behavior. This discussion reminds Nick of how he forced Caitlin to stop seeing Elsa.