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Who was involved in salutary neglect?

Who was involved in salutary neglect?

Salutary neglect was Britain’s unofficial policy, initiated by prime minister Robert Walpole, to relax the enforcement of strict regulations, particularly trade laws, imposed on the American colonies late in the seventeenth and early in the eighteenth centuries.

Who gave the period of salutary neglect its name?

Edmund Burke coined the term ‘salutary neglect’ to refer to the unofficial British policy of lenient or lax enforcement of parliamentary laws regarding the American colonies during the 1600s and 1700s.

What was salutary neglect answer choices?

salutary neglect, policy of the British government from the early to mid-18th century regarding its North American colonies under which trade regulations for the colonies were laxly enforced and imperial supervision of internal colonial affairs was loose as long as the colonies remained loyal to the British government …

What led to the end of salutary neglect?

The salutary neglect period ended as a consequence of the French and Indian War, also known as the Seven Years War, from years 1755 to 1763. This caused a large war debt that the British needed to pay off, and thus the policy was destroyed in the colonies.

What was the most important reason for salutary neglect?

The first reason for the British policy of Salutary Neglect was to ensure that the America Colonies would remain loyal to the British during the period of expansion in Colonial America. The threat of rebellion in the colonies was a clear concern.

What did the salutary neglect do?

In American history, salutary neglect was the British Crown policy of avoiding strict enforcement of parliamentary laws, especially trade laws, as long as British colonies remained loyal to the government of, and contributed to the economic growth of their parent country, England, in the 18th century.

What was the British policy of salutary neglect?

Salutary neglect, policy of the British government from the early to mid-18th century regarding its North American colonies under which trade regulations for the colonies were laxly enforced and imperial supervision of internal colonial affairs was loose as long as the colonies remained loyal to the British government…

What did the salutary neglect act raise revenue for?

When salutary neglect ended,: 1) Stamp Act – used to raise revenue for the British military after the war. This act put a tax on all paper items, such as legal documents and newspapers. 2) Sugar Act – used to raise revenue. Put a tax on foreign sugar and certain luxuries.

What was the cause of Walpole’s salutary neglect?

Other historians, however, argue that a greater cause of salutary neglect was not deliberate but was instead the incompetence, weakness, and self-interest of poorly qualified colonial officials who were patronage appointees of Walpole.

What was the salutary neglect of the Stamp Act?

Salutary neglect. A year later Grenville lowered the boom with the Stamp Act (1765), Parliament’s first attempt to raise revenue through direct taxation of all colonial commercial and legal papers, newspapers, pamphlets, cards, almanacs, and dice, which was greeted with violent opposition in the colonies and was repealed in 1766.