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Who was the first explorer in Kenya?

Who was the first explorer in Kenya?

Rebmann arrived in East Africa in 1846 and began missionary work among the coastal tribes. Though he felt he was only incidentally an explorer, he began expeditions into the interior and, in May 1848, was the first European to see Kilimanjaro. Krapf first sighted Mt. Kenya in December 1849.

Who were the early inhabitants of Kenya?

The earliest inhabitants of Kenya were hunter-gatherers but from about 2,000 BC herders came to the region. Then from about 800 AD Arabs sailed to Kenya. Some settled and intermarried and they created the Swahili culture along the coast. The first European to reach Kenya was Vasco da Gama in 1498.

Who was the first explorer to reach East Africa?

John Hanning Speke, (born May 3, 1827, Bideford, Devon, England—died September 15, 1864, near Corsham, Wiltshire), British explorer who was the first European to reach Lake Victoria in East Africa, which he correctly identified as a source of the Nile.

Who was the first white man to see Mt Kenya?

The first European to report seeing Mount Kenya was Dr Johann Ludwig Krapf, a German missionary, from Kitui, a town 160 km (100 mi) away from the mountain. The sighting was made on 3 December 1849, a year after the first sighting of Mount Kilimanjaro by a European.

When did the first missionary arrived in Kenya?

Modern Christianity in Kenya dates from 1844, when a CMS missionary settled near Mombasa, but little progress was made until the 1870s. A settlement for freed slaves established at Freretown, near Mombasa, prospered, and the first Kenyans were ordained in 1885.

Who discovered Kenya?

European contact began in 1500 AD with the Portuguese Empire, though effective colonisation of Kenya began in the 19th century during the European exploration of the interior. Modern-day Kenya emerged from a protectorate established by the British Empire in 1895 and the subsequent Kenya Colony, which began in 1920.

Who were the earliest inhabitants of western Kenya?

The Abaluyia sub-groups which moved to western Kenya from eastern Uganda are likely to have been the earliest settlers in the lake region. According to Ochieng’ (1974: 9), it could be inferred that the Abaluyia and Gusii people represent the spearhead of migration in this region.

Who discovered Mt Kenya?

Johann Ludwig Krapf
Johann Ludwig Krapf was the first European to see the mountain (1849), and it was partially climbed by the Hungarian explorer Sámuel, Gróf (count) Teleki (1887), and the British geologist John Walter Gregory (1893).

Who discovered Lake Victoria?

John Hanning Speke
The search by Europeans for the source of the Nile led to the sighting of the lake by the British explorer John Hanning Speke in 1858. Formerly known to the Arabs as Ukerewe, the lake was named by Speke in honour of Queen Victoria of England.

Who were the first missionaries to come to Kenya in the mid 19th century?

The pioneer missionaries in East Africa were the Church Missionary Society led by the Germans John Krapt and Johann Rebmann who arrived in East Africa around 1844 and 1846 respectively. Krapt arrived and established a mission station at Rabai.