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Why are sweatshops created?

Why are sweatshops created?

Sweatshops primarily exist in order to cut costs associated with production and manufacturing. Further, some of the most egregious sweatshops utilize human trafficking to employ cheap labor that essentially is paid slave wages.

What are sweatshops used for?

sweatshop, workplace in which workers are employed at low wages and under unhealthy or oppressive conditions. In England, the word sweater was used as early as 1850 to describe an employer who exacted monotonous work for very low wages.

What do sweatshops produce?

Products that commonly come from sweatshops are garments, cotton, bricks, cocoa, and coffee. A study showed that doubling the salary of sweatshop workers would only increase the consumer cost of an item by 1.8%, while consumers would be willing to pay 15% more to know a product did not come from a sweatshop.

Why do big companies use sweatshops?

Sweatshops are usually located where there are low wages. Companies choose countries with lower wages so they don’t have to pay the workers alot, uses less money to build a sweatshop and can have more people to work in because of their poverty issues and lack of social security.

How do sweatshops help the economy?

Sweatshops are great for the economic and social development of a nation. The extra money that can be earned can be taxed to provide basic infrastructure and sound governance. More importantly, the extra money earned can be spent by individuals on education, healthcare motorbikes and goats.

Are sweatshops good for the economy?

Why does Nike use sweatshops?

Since the 1970s, Nike, Inc. has been accused of using sweatshops to produce footwear and apparel. It was built on the business model of finding the lowest cost of labour possible which led to child labour and exploitation. Forced labour has changed the public/consumer’s perception of the brand, and has decreased sales.

How are sweatshop workers treated?

Sweatshop workers’ conditions – It can be really bad In the worst forms of sweatshops people are forced to work up to 72 hours straight, without sleep. Those complaining are beaten and abused. Cases of physical, sexual, and verbal abuse are common and well documented.

Why is the world needs sweatshops?

Sweatshops are noted to promote such business as the developing countries make clothing and shoes for export to the developed world. The underdeveloped countries would use the sweatshops as a way of eradicating rural poverty among its citizens.

Why are there still sweatshops?

Sweatshops exist today for one simple reason: we westerners demand low cost clothing and food. And we get it. Others pay the price. Often they are young children.

Why are sweatshops called sweatshops?

Sweatshops were referred to as such not because the workers sweat a lot. In the 1840s in England, the word sweating meant the exaction of tedious work at low wages. The term sweatshop, a place where workers were “sweated”, was coined in the United States in 1867.

Why should sweatshops be banned?

work , these type of incident could have been prevented. Another reason why sweatshops should be banned is because the workers are. under paid. People that work in sweatshops have the lowest wages in the world.