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Why could Sumerian farmers no longer live apart?

Why could Sumerian farmers no longer live apart?

Canals became clogged with silt, so farmers had to clean them regularly. One clogged canal could disrupt the entire system. Since villages were connected for miles around by these canals, farmers could no longer live apart, or in small groups.

What problems occurred after Sumerian farmers created irrigation systems?

What new problem occurred after Sumerians farmers created irrigation systems? They didn’t know how to maintain irrigation systems across villages, the system also got clogged.

What problem did the Sumerians encounter with their irrigation system What was their solution for this problem text to speech?

7. Sumerian farmers had to maintain the irrigation system across village boundaries because they became clogged with silt. To solve this problem, Sumerian farmers had to work together for the common good to maintain the irrigation system. Because of this, the Sumerians began to live in larger towns and cities.

Why did the villages of Sumer depend on each other?

Why did the villages of Sumer depend on each other? They needed to work together to clean the canals. Early Sumerian cities were walled settlements surrounded by farmland. The strong city walls were built of sunbaked bricks.

How did the Sumerians solve the problem of an uncontrolled water supply?

Sumerian farmers solved this by building irrigation systems, to provide water for the fields. They built earth walls called levees, along the sides of the river to prevent flooding. They dug canals to shape the paths the water took.

What caused Sumerians to build larger communities?

There, farmers faced the problem of having either too much water or too little. To control the water supply, Sumerians built a complex irrigation system. The system crossed village boundaries, so the Sumerians had to cooperate with one another. This led them to live in larger communities—the first cities.

How did the Sumerians solve the food shortage problem?

How did the Sumerians solve the food shortages in the hills problem? Sumerian farmers solved this by building irrigation systems, to provide water for the fields. They built earth walls called levees, along the sides of the river to prevent flooding.