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Why did Henry and Catherine get married?

Why did Henry and Catherine get married?

Why did Henry marry Katherine of Aragon? He loved her – and Spanish Katherine’s powerful family also provided useful allies to the English throne. With their prudent father’s blessing, Henry chose to marry his brother’s widow in 1509 to continue the Spanish alliance (and to hang on to her dowry).

Why did Henry want to end his marriage?

Henry argued that his marriage to Catherine had been against God’s law from the start despite the Pope’s blessing for it to go ahead in 1509. He was therefore living in sin and that the Pope had to annul his marriage so that he could rectify this.

Why did Henry VIII want a wife?

Henry liked beautiful women. A desirable queen was an asset, and it was expected that a king of his stature should have an attractive wife. Anne Boleyn was considered highly alluring. Her striking dark looks and sophisticated manners from the French court enchanted the king.

Why did Henry want a son?

Henry did not see his daughter as an heir at all. For a Tudor king, having a strong line of succession and a male heir to the throne was imperative. This meant that for his son Henry VIII, a male heir was key to continuing the line of Tudor kings. Having a male heir would stabilise Henry’s power.

Who gave Henry a son?

Henry’s third queen Jane Seymour gave him his long-awaited male heir, Edward, in 1537. Henry also had an illegitimate son, named Henry Fitzroy (meaning ‘son of the king’), born in June 1519.

Who are the wives of Henry the VIII?

Henry divorced two of his wives (Catherine of Aragon and Anne of Cleves), he had two of his wives executed (Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard) and one of his wives (Jane Seymour) died shortly after childbirth. His last wife (Catherine Parr) outlived him.

When did Henry Tudor get married to Elizabeth?

However, Henry Tudor had no intention of sharing power on the English throne – no matter who his wife was. He may marry Elizabeth, but she would not be a joint monarch. So, he organized his coronation for 30 October 1485, before his wedding.

How many children did Henry and Elizabeth have?

They were young, beautiful, and seemingly pure of heart. They were the founders of a new soon-to-be powerful English dynasty, and they were immediately a success. During the course of their marriage, Elizabeth would give birth to eight children – four of whom would live.