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Why did Latin American nations find it difficult to establish democratic governments?

Why did Latin American nations find it difficult to establish democratic governments?

Democracies were difficult to establish in Latin America for several reasons. The oppressive Spanish rule did not allow Latin Americans to be trained in government. Such a split built unrest and resentment among the population and made it difficult for a stable democracy to take hold.

Why did Latin American countries remain economically dependent after political independence?

Why did Latin American countries continue to experience economic dependence after achieving independence? Because most countries had one or two cash crops, so they had to rely on other countries for other items that was needed.

Why was Latin America economically challenged 1830?

Why was Latin America economically challenged in 1830? The US had emerged as a western hemisphere policeman nations industry the colonial era had locoed cash crops.

Why did Latin American countries have a difficult time adopting democracy quizlet?

Democracy was difficult to achieve in Latin American nations plagued by poverty and inequality. A conflict between conservatives and reformers contributed to political unrest in many nations. Military Rulers Seize Power. As social unrest grew, military leaders in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and other nations seized power …

Why is Latin America not developed?

Steep mountains and tropical forests made land transport difficult to impossible. This led to the fragmentation of the Spanish New World empire into many, mostly relatively small countries and hindered the development of trade both between and within countries.

Why were Latin American countries unable to found stable democracies after independence quizlet?

newly independent nations of the Western Hemisphere had difficulties creating stable political institutions. Brazil and Spanish America didn’t know how to deal with elections or representative institutions.

What factors caused instability in Latin America after independence?

What factors caused instability in Latin America after independence? The constitutions in these nations had guaranteed equality before the law, but there were still inequalities. Regionalism weakened the new nations. Large landowners, army leaders and the Catholic Church dominated Mexican politics.

When did Latin American countries become democratic?

Since the beginning of the 1980s, there has been a marked trend toward democratization in Latin America. Elections of presidents and prime ministers were held in many of the countries in 1988 and 1989, putting democratization in the region to a real test.

Why was Latin America so unstable during the 1800s?

Economic obstacles Creoles who had expected the dismantling of colonial restraints on Latin American economies to produce a wave of new wealth found their hopes dashed in the 1820s. Their resulting weakness contributed to political instability, which at the same time impeded the reorganization of economic systems.

What challenges did Latin America faced after independence?

Lost Decades and Violence In post-colonial Latin America and Africa, high levels of violence, political instability, economic balkanization, and anti-trade policies all sabotaged economic growth and reduced state capacities below the already low levels that had characterized the colonial regimes.

When did Latin America gain its independence from Spain?

The independence of Latin America. After three centuries of colonial rule, independence came rather suddenly to most of Spanish and Portuguese America. Between 1808 and 1826 all of Latin America except the Spanish colonies of Cuba and Puerto Rico slipped out of the hands of the Iberian powers who had ruled the region since the conquest.

Why did the Spanish democracy fail in Latin America?

The reason for this failure of democracy goes beyond the political. Just as silver brought wealth to the Spanish elite but unspeakable cruelty to native Americans, an extractive society and an unrestrained illegal drug trade have brought riches to a very few and conflagration to the overwhelming many.

Why did Latin America change in the 18th century?

The rapidity and timing of that dramatic change were the result of a combination of long-building tensions in colonial rule and a series of external events. The reforms imposed by the Spanish Bourbons in the 18th century provoked great instability in the relations between the rulers and their colonial subjects in the Americas.

What’s the percentage of democracy in Latin America?

Today, a surprising number of Latin Americans would agree. According to the multinational polling service Latinobarómetro, less than half of all Latin Americans today favor democracy, and less than a quarter are satisfied with what it has achieved in their countries.