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Why did Napoleon set up Lycees?

Why did Napoleon set up Lycees?

By setting up lycees, Napoleon intended to produce government officials who were loyal and patriotic to France and its wellbeing. Rather than restricting people’s thoughts, he broadened their scope of imagination and possibilities; therefore, he strengthened revolutionary ideals of liberty and fraternity.

What was the main aim of education in Napoleonic France?

It is clear that the new system of education introduced by Napoleon had more than one purpose. It was intended, of course, to provide an educated elite that could help run the country and the military.

What is the significance of concordat?

Concordat of 1801, agreement reached on July 15, 1801, between Napoleon Bonaparte and papal and clerical representatives in both Rome and Paris, defining the status of the Roman Catholic Church in France and ending the breach caused by the church reforms and confiscations enacted during the French Revolution.

Who invented school in France?

Jules Ferry, a Minister of Public Instruction in 1841, is widely credited for creating the modern school (l’école républicaine) by requiring all children between the ages of 6 and 12, both boys and girls, to attend. He also made public instruction mandatory, free of charge, and secular (laïque).

What schools did Napoleon create?

He restarted the primary schools, created a new elite secondary system of schools (called lycées), and established many other schools for the general populace. He promoted education for girls and greatly improved teacher training. Literacy levels in France soared under Napoleon’s reforms.

When was the first Lycee established in France?

Lycée, in France, an upper-level secondary school preparing pupils for the baccalauréat (the degree required for university admission). The first lycée was established in 1801, under the educational reforms of Napoleon Bonaparte. Lycées formerly enrolled the nation’s most talented students in a course of instruction lasting seven years.

When was the Lycee created as a state school?

Created as state schools in France in 1802, the lycées educated the future French elite for more than a century. They were intended for boys only, recruited pupils mainly from higher classes, and offered a general education, extended to all secondary classes, with no immediate occupational application.

Why did Napoleon want to set up lycees?

By setting up lycees, Napoleon intended to produce government officials who were loyal and patriotic to France and its wellbeing. Rather than restricting people’s thoughts, he broadened their scope of imagination and possibilities; therefore, he strengthened revolutionary ideals of liberty and fraternity.

How many years are there in a lycee?

Today’s lycées are restricted to the last three years of secondary education and to some higher education classes, but their curriculum has been extended to technical and VOCATIONAL EDUCATION and they welcome almost all boys and girls.