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Why did representative government develop?

Why did representative government develop?

Representative government developed when the first colonists came to the New World they needed a way to to build order. taxes, local laws and some sort of government. The first was the Virginia House of Burgesses in which there was people representing others.

Why did representative government arise in the colonies?

It was in essence, a social contract in which the settlers consented to follow the compact’s rules and regulations for the sake of survival. Thus, the colonists sincerely believed that they had the right to govern themselves, being separated from Britain by an ocean and having founded an entirely new society.

What are three reasons that representative government developed in the British colonies?

Reasons for colonization

  • Religious freedom.
  • Political freedom.
  • Economic opportunity (mercantilism)
  • Social mobility.
  • A better way of life.

Why was representative government important to the 13 colonies?

The House of Burgesses made laws for the colony with approval of the Royal Governor from England. Self- government in the colonies was important because colonists often had to solve their own problems. Many General Assemblies or other forms of representative government sprang up throughout the colonies.

Why do we need representative?

Representatives are chosen by citizens to serve in legislative bodies and to voice their concerns to the government. Each state in the country also has its own legislature and its own set of representatives. State legislatures make laws that are particular to their own state.

What was the reason why representative government was created in the 13 colonies?

What was one reason for the growth of representative government in the American colonies Brainly? Answer: When the 13 colonies of the New World were established they set up a representative government because they wanted a system of checks and balances.

What are three reasons of representative government?

Why do we have a system of representative government?

In essence, our form of government requires the people to put trust in a representative body with a belief that this group will be able to identify the greatest needs separate from their own interests and then be able to communicate that need back to the people. It becomes it’s own system of checks and balances.

Why do we have a form of government?

In essence, our form of government requires the people to put trust in a representative body with a belief that this group will be able to identify the greatest needs separate from their own interests and then be able to communicate that need back to the people.

How did the representatives of the states get elected?

Representatives to the federal government were elected by state legislatures and not by the people directly. During this period, the people were governed by their states, and thus the distance between them and their laws was not as large as it would later be under the U.S. Constitution.

Why was representative government important to the colonies?

By the close of the seventeenth century, the colonies were simply too large to govern themselves directly. As Thomas Paine observed in Common Sense (1776), representative government was the only form of democracy practicable for 3 to 4 million people spread across such a large geographical space.