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Why did the framers of the Constitution write it to allow for amendments?

Why did the framers of the Constitution write it to allow for amendments?

They wanted to create a living document with the capacity to evolve with the times. Therefore, the framers included a formal amendment process so that future generations could change the Constitution to meet the nation’s needs.

Why did the framers of the Constitution make it so difficult to amend the Constitution?

The founders made the amendment process difficult because they wanted to lock in the political deals that made ratification of the Constitution possible. Moreover, they recognized that, for a government to function well, the ground rules should be stable. They made passing an amendment too hard.

Why did farmers oppose the Constitution?

Include information about how both sides convinced state ratifying committees to support or oppose the Constitution. Why did many farmers oppose the Constitution? They wanted a bill of rights to protect basic liberties from the powers of the government.

Why did the framers of the Constitution include the amendment process quizlet?

Why did the framers of the Constitution include the amendment process? They wanted to provide a way to change the Constitution as the country changed.

How did the writers of the US Constitution improve the amendment process from that of the Articles of Confederation?

The Constitution required unanimous consent by the states to amend. The Constitution required support of six of the 13 states to amend. The Constitution required Congress to ratify state amendments. The Constitution required a two-thirds vote in Congress to propose amendments.

Why did the Founding Fathers make the process so difficult?

The Framers, the men who wrote the Constitution, wanted the amendment process to be difficult. They believed that a long and complicated amendment process would help create stability in the United States. Because it is so difficult to amend the Constitution, amendments are usually permanent.

Why did the Founding Fathers make it difficult for the Constitution to be amended quizlet?

4. Why did the Founding Fathers make the constitution deliberately difficult to amend? The constitution was deliberately designed to stand the test of time and imposing a difficult formal amendment process that needed supermajorities in both houses of the federal legislature and the states.

Why was there opposition to the Constitution?

The Anti-Federalists opposed the ratification of the 1787 U.S. Constitution because they feared that the new national government would be too powerful and thus threaten individual liberties, given the absence of a bill of rights.

How did the Constitution benefit farmers?

”The strong central government that was formed under the Constitution brought farmers an important benefit: increased trade, both with other countries and among the states,” says Bowers. ”The strong, unified government was able to win trade concessions and deal with other nations on an equal basis.

Why did the farmers choose a republican form of government when drafting the Constitution?

The Framers chose a republican form of government because they wanted both to ensure that the people would be represented and to limit the potential power of factions. The Framers divided power among the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary.

Why was each amendment created?

Each Amendment to the Constitution came about for a reason — to overrule a Supreme Court decision, to force a societal change, or to revise the details of the Constitution.

Why did they create a new Constitution?

A chief aim of the Constitution as drafted by the Convention was to create a government with enough power to act on a national level, but without so much power that fundamental rights would be at risk.